5 Questions Students

In this edition of five questions, we've taken the opportunity to get to know some of our Year 8 students better. The questions are:

  1. What’s your favourite thing to have for dinner?
  2. Have you ever fractured a bone? If so, what one/s?
  3. If you could go on a holiday anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?
  4. Who is your favourite staff member at HHS?
  5. What’s something that makes you smile
















Emily Anderson Hunter 

  1. Pesto Pasta
  2. I broke my arm when I fell off the monkey bars
  3. Egypt
  4. Ms Todd
  5. My friend

Chloe Wallace 

  1. Mac n Cheese
  2. No
  3. England
  4. Ms Todd
  5. Friends and family













Ryder Vander Werf


  1. Steak
  2. No
  3. Frankston
  4. Miss Tierney
  5. Dirt bikes

Jack Kershaw 

  1. A counter meal
  2. No
  3. Fiji
  4. Mr Biffin
  5. Cars


Curtis Postlethwaite 

  1. Beef Stroganoff with rice
  2. No. But once I almost snapped my leg in half
  3. Greece
  4. Mr Biffin
  5. When I have sport at school