
Our Father's Compassion (from Daily Devotional)

Today, let us reflect on Psalm 103:13. This verse tells us that God the Father is compassionate and He lavishes His love on us. It is amazing to think about how much God loves us and how compassionate He is towards us. We know that we are not perfect and we often make mistakes, but God still loves us unconditionally. He is always there for us, ready to forgive us and shower us with His love. Let us today remember how much God loves us and be thankful for His compassion.


Today, we live in a world that is full of suffering. We see it all around us – in the news, on the internet, and even in our personal lives. Whether it is natural disasters, wars, or personal tragedies, it seems that suffering is everywhere. And yet, in the midst of all this suffering, we also see acts of great compassion. People coming together to help those who are suffering. Volunteers working long hours to provide relief. Donations being made to support those in need. In the face of all this suffering, compassion is what gives us hope. It shows us that there is still good in the world, and that we are not alone.


And this is why we need God’s compassion every day. Because no matter how much suffering there is in the world, God’s compassion never fails. It is always there for us, offering us hope and strength in the midst of our trials. So today, let us remember that God’s compassion is with us always, and let us show compassion to others in turn.


Submitted by Armin Mayer