Learning in J04

Miss Landolfo

Junior School J04 Landolfo is sharing the learning taking place in their class…

J04 has been very busy in the classroom this term!  We celebrated our 100 Days of Prep with a fun-filled day, full of activities to enjoy.  Everyone looked so great in their special 100 Days of Prep t-shirts!

This term for Inquiry, we have spent some time focusing on farm animals and learning about their features, diet and habitat.  We linked this new information into our writing, creating some wonderful information reports about cows and hens.  We focused on our sentence structure, being sure to include a capital letter at the start, finger spaces between words and a full stop at the end.  I’m so proud of the progress J04 has made in their writing this term!

J04 has been spending more time with Year 4 buddies this term.  We have worked on forming relationships with Mrs. Monckton’s class M43, by talking about what makes a good friend and decorating our buddy bears.  We also spoke about the things that we are grateful for and created grateful flowers together.  The two classes really enjoy this special time and it’s lovely to see the Year 4’s really looking out for their Prep buddies.  The Preps look forward to these sessions every fortnight! 

It’s hard to believe how quickly the year has gone so far!  Keep up the hard work J04, I’m very proud to be your teacher!


Miss Landolfo

Foundation Teacher