What's Happening

Room 2 Assembly

Last week we celebrated Book Week with the theme ‘Dreaming with eyes wide open’. As Room 2 have been studying geography this term and looking at many different parts of the world, their assembly focused on thinking about stories from different cultures, how they are passed from generation to generation and how they influence people’s lives. Oral story telling is a huge part of cultures all over the world and over the years stories can become embellished and differ slightly depending on who tells them; however, the core message stays the same. 


During their assembly, the children told and performed stories from India, Africa and Greece which carried moral messages about greed, telling lies and stealing. The children entertained the audience with fantastic comedy timing and acting skills. They also spent time creating beautiful props including golden items touched by Midas and an oversize story book for the characters to leap out of. 

Science Incursion

Library News

Chaplain's Chat - Issue 8

This term we challenge you to crunch the rainbow for Crunch&Sip® by making a rainbow in your classroom. Eating different coloured fruits and vegetables provides lots of different vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals. Which is why crunching on a rainbow will help kids get the right balance of nutrients they need for a healthy body.