Principal's Report

Principal Report 

As we move towards the end of the 4th week of term 2, I look back and reflect on how much we all have learnt. We (staff, parents and students) have learnt how to navigate different online systems to engage with our learning and each other. At home we have learnt to adapt our home routines, establishing different home lives and the ability to strive forward without many of the outlets previously afforded to us. We have learnt to entertain ourselves in different ways and connect with each other in different ways. I feel everyone should take the time to look back and appreciate what they have achieved over the past 6 weeks and through our changed circumstances.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the parents and students for their efforts in ensuring that the learning continues without interruption. As stated it has been a steep learning curve for many parents and it has been challenging, however without your support the program would be less successful. I would like to thank all of the teachers who are working harder than ever to provide a program that suits the needs of our community. Their efforts have been amazing over the last 4 weeks, and I hope they will look back with pride on how they have adapted their teaching practice in such a short space of time.

I had the pleasure of speaking to all of the Year 12 and Year 11 students yesterday in an online assembly. There were some simple messages shared, along with some critical information to help prepare them for the rest of this term and the year ahead. I have included the recording of this session below for our entire school community to have a look at, and understand some of the issues they are dealing with and how they can best navigate some of those challenges.

Microsoft Teams Online Assembly


To ensure that everybody is kept up to date with the latest information about the schools evolving program can I ask that parents and students read the news feed on their Compass dashboards regularly. I will post something regularly that will contain updated information on the following items:

· Well-being Matters and contacts.

· IT assistance and processes.

· Teaching and Learning Model Updates.

· VCE Updates and links to information.

· General News

· Opportunities to engage with staff initiatives.

One of those initiatives is the opportunity to contribute to the Lalor Secondary College cookbook. As we’ve spent more time at home over the past 6 weeks we have spent more time in the kitchen cooking up our favourite recipes. If you have a favourite recipe we would love for you to share it with us. All you need is a photo of the dish, ingredients list and some simple instructions. Put your name on it and maybe a history of where the dish comes from, or who it was inspired by. Send it into the school email –

We have already had a good response and you can view some of those in this newsletter. We hope to get enough to produce a cookbook that represents the rich diversity within our school so we can publish it for everyone to access.


2020 saw the use of the Innovation Centre for the very first time after it was completed at the end of 2019. Part of this centre was the establishment of a maker space that was equipped with a number of 3D printers. These printers have not be laying idle during this time, but have been printing parts for medical equipment to be used within our medical centres and hospitals. Please take the time to have a look at the pictures an article in this newsletter.

Throughout this change we have watched our community come together in many different ways to support the well-being of each other, as well as the teaching and learning program. We have all shown incredible resilience to cope with the stresses placed on all of us, and I hope that we continue to lean on each other as we move forward. As I mentioned to the Year 12 students, the staff miss having students on site making the school feel vibrant and alive. We cannot wait until we get the opportunity to see all of your faces at the college again and hope that that time comes soon. As soon as we can make that happen, the school will make that happen.

I wish everyone the best in the coming weeks and again thank everyone for your efforts over the last 4 weeks. If you have any questions related to the information above or for anything else, please contact me on 9463 7300 or my email –


Best regards,


Corey Jewell

College Principal

Building Works Update

While everybody is stuck at home the school has taken the opportunity to move forward quickly with a number of facilities projects to improve access around the school, as well as provide some better facilities for the students to enjoy. We hope to have these works fully completed by the beginning of Term 3. They will include the following projects:

  • New Drama Center Seating
  • New Shade Sail and Seating Area.
  • New BBQ area and class outdoor space
  • New ramps works to increase access to all community members.
  • New automatic entry doors for reception and the 300’s area.
  • New store room attached to the Science Centre for increased delivery of an expanded Science Curriculum in that space.

Some photos are included so you can see the progress.


Corey Jewell

College Principal