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How to overcome a fear of maths
"Some people have a “fixed mindset”, meaning they believe their ability to be set in stone and unable to be improved. Other people have a “growth mindset” meaning they believe their ability can change and improve over time with effort and practice."
Let them play! Kids need freedom from play restrictions to develop
"The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child recognises play as every child’s basic right. But play is becoming extinct.
The government keeps talking about revamping VET – but is it actually doing it?
Exploring employer dissatisfaction with the VET sector versus the need to support our young people into VET education and jobs.
Preschool benefits all children, but not all children get it. Here’s what the government can do about that
Exploring the benefits of early childhood education
Let’s make it mandatory to teach respectful relationships in every Australian school
Schools play a significant role in educating young people about gender-based violence and helping change the underlying attitudes that lead to it.
We can't afford to leave Indigenous students behind as we prepare our future workforce
In 2019 the federal government released its plan to improve career education with the intention to lead the preparation of the nation’s future workforce.
I grew up in state care. To say that university has changed my life would be an understatement
"Right now, there are around 50,000 children in state care in Australia. Of these, 60% will end up being long-term welfare dependent. 30% will experience homelessness. Around 46% of the boys will spend time in prison, and 15% of the girls will spend time as sex workers. 25% will go on to work menial jobs for the rest of their lives. Only 2.8% will make it to university."
Setting Aussie kids up for success
An Australian charity is developing a 10-year roadmap for early childhood research focused on helping vulnerable children get the best start in life.
Young women most vulnerable amid gender equality backlash
“A lot of young people believe it’s a gender-neutral issue where men and women are equally using violence, but we know from police statistics and surveys this is largely a problem of men’s violence against women,” says Anastasia Powell, researcher and author of the report.
Autism and Inclusion at Kindergarten booklet
New resource supporting the education of children with autism attending kindergartens, get your copy here
Dealing with the trauma of youth homelessness
The City LLEN congratulates Melbourne City Mission on their reinvigorated services to young homeless people, read more here