City LLEN News

Girls in STEM & Future of Work Forum
Girledworld have partnered with the LLEN to deliver a Girls in STEM Future of Work Forum for female high school students and their parents.
The aim of the event is to encourage girls in years 9, 10 & 11 to consider STEM and other emerging and exciting careers that can provide them with satisfying work lives, and to help girls and parents recognise that employability skills and future workplaces are changing.
Please find the link and flyer below.
Careers & Pathways Evening
On Thursday 30 May the LLEN supported St. Aloysius College in North Melbourne in facilitating a careers evening for Year 10 students and their parents. The LLEN organised a fantastic group of young women to talk about their career journey so far and their plans for the future. Careers covered included civil engineering, event management, medical science, nursing, law, information technology, sales management, paramedic, media and communication, and education. Andrew Smith, the LLEN School-Community Engagement officer, gave an overview of the changing nature of work to set the scene at the beginning of the evening, including the thought-provoking video “Did You Know?” A large group of parents and students thoroughly enjoyed the evening and were extremely positive in their feedback on the presentations. This was particularly evident by the number that stayed behind to continue to ask questions of the presenters. The evening will be further supported by the school’s Year 10 Careers program “The Future Me”. The LLEN will continue to support this program in Term 3 by facilitating workshops, organizing guest speakers and supporting a mock job interview program.
LLEN facilitated industry / TAFE
On Wednesday 15 May the LLEN facilitated an industry / TAFE day for students at the Victorian College for the Deaf who are currently studying VET Bicycle Mechanical Technology. In the morning students visited Good Cycles two locations in Docklands. Students were provided with an introduction to how a social enterprise operates, an explanation of the range of programs they provide , including bicycle sales & maintenance and their partnership with Citywide. This was followed by a practical activity linked to their current VET program which saw them learning how to fit a disc brake system to a bike. After lunch in Docklands students walked to Kangan Institute’s Automotive Centre of Excellence (ACE). There they were introduced to the range of courses on offer, including a talk from the Disability Support Officer who explained the range of support services available. They were then given a tour of the amazing facilities provided at the Docklands campus. Students had a great day and came away with much greater knowledge of the training and career opportunities available to them in the future.
St. Aloysius College
On Tuesday 14 May the LLEN School Community Engagement Officer facilitated a workshop at St. Aloysius College for parents on the Changing World of Work and how to engage in Career Conversations with their children. Around 40 parents attended the evening. Parents were asked to reflect on their own career journey and compare it to the one their children are preparing for. Parents learnt that many young people entering the workforce today will have 5 different careers entailing 17 different jobs! The importance of thinking about a career as a lifelong journey was emphasized, including the need for continual learning. Parents were provided with a range of tools they could use at home to engage their children in a conversation about future careers. Feedback from the evening was very positive with many conversations continuing well past the conclusion of the workshop.
Flexi Schools Network
The LLEN has facilitated two meetings this year for the new Flexi Schools Network. Meetings were held during Term 1 at St. Joseph’s Flexible Learning Centre and in Term 2 at Kensington Community High School. Meetings have been well attended with representatives coming from Hester Hornbrook Academy, River Nile, Parkville College, Kensington CHS and St. Joseph’s FLC. Much sharing of knowledge and expertise has taken place with regular communication now happening between the schools. There has been extensive discussions around areas of common interest including VET, VCAL, Structured Work Placements, TAFE Tasters, Arts Based programs and joint sporting opportunities. The next meeting is on Friday 14 June at the new Hester Hornbrook Academy City Campus. Please contact Andrew Smith for any further information at