strategic directions

Strategic Directions - 'Geared for Success' - School Improvement Plan 2016-2019
The School Improvement Plan maps the school’s enactment of the vision…
Active and connected, growing for LIFE
and is underpinned by the values of Love, Optimism and Creativity, and the school’s Learning Principles.
Reform Areas
The Good Shepherd Lutheran School, School Improvement Plan purposefully address and serves to ensure the school’s improvement and innovation actions respond to the national school improvement agenda (NSIA) and the five reform areas
- Quality teaching
- Quality Learning
- Empowered school leadership
- Meeting student need
- Transparency and accountability
Self Assessment
Self assessment provided a starting point for the development of this plan and utilised the following tools.
- Lutheran Education Australia: Better Schools Project 2009 – 2013
- Thorough analysis of staff, student and parent data and the development of GSLS
- ACER School Improvement Tool: Audit 2014
- Teaching staff ‘evidence gathering activity’ against all improvement elements. This provided a natural audit process following the improvement agenda set through the GSLS – a strategic future 2012 goals.
- Lutheran Education Australia: Quality Schools Project 2016
- Analysis by staff and governance teams
A lengthy process of whole-school engagement prepared the school for change and the development of this improvement plan. Learn more of our journey at
2016 - 2019 FOCUS ELEMENTS
Five priority areas were identified from our self-assessment and review processes, including consultation with our parents, students and teachers. These inform our achievable yearly actions.
Excellence in learning
Good Shepherd Lutheran School values excellence and creativity in teaching and learning for all community members. A culture of challenge and support nurtures enthusiastic, independent learners, committed to lifelong learning. Excellence in teaching and learning is focused on improving student outcomes which includes spiritual, intellectual, physical, emotional, cultural and social dimensions. All learners should have access to quality learning experiences that ensure they develop their God-given abilities so that they may enrich the world. High expectations are established through reflective practice, collaborative planning, monitoring, providing feedback and reporting on the effectiveness of learning. The learning environment promotes active engagement, risk taking, motivation and a strong learner voice.
Ongoing improvement and innovation
Improvement at Good Shepherd Lutheran School is guided by our Vision: Active and Connected, growing for LIFE, and our values: Love Optimism and Creativity. Excellence is pursued through a culture of reflection, collaboration, innovation and creativity. Evidence is gathered to develop and implement improvement plans and policies for the continuous development of teaching and learning, the school and its facilities. Ongoing professional learning encourages all members of the community to achieve high standards and develop their service and leadership capacity.
Strengthening Lutheran identity
Good Shepherd Lutheran School as an agency of the Lutheran Church of Australia, shares a recognisable Lutheran identity in which the gospel of Jesus Christ informs all learning and teaching, all human relationships, and all activities in the school. The rituals, symbols, visual displays and practices convey its Christ-centred identity. Our community is regularly involved in Christian worship which includes daily devotions. Christian Studies is an essential and distinctive part of the formal curriculum. We deliberately and intentionally share and live the good news of Jesus Christ with students, families, staff and the broader community. Opportunities for faith nurture are actively promoted and maintained
Community building
Good Shepherd Lutheran School values the richness and diversity of the wider community and other education sectors. Positive and strategic partnerships are developed and maintained with students, families, local Christian communities, the broader community and Lutheran education. The relationships are built upon support, collaboration, trust and reconciliation. Our community lives out the gospel and is active in service of others. The multicultural and multi-faith nature of Australian society including the Good Shepherd School community fosters understandings of diverse cultures. Good Shepherd Lutheran School promotes the understanding of, and respect for, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Leading effective organisation and management
In Good Shepherd Lutheran School, roles, responsibilities and procedures are clearly articulated so that staff can participate in its smooth and efficient operation. Data and knowledge management methods and technologies are used to ensure that resources (human, physical, technological and financial) are efficiently organised and managed to provide an effective, safe and caring, growth-oriented learning and working environment. Strategic planning ensures the ongoing improvement and sustainability of the school. Best practice is built upon effective collaboration between the governing body, staff, students, families, church and others.
An annual audit of our SIP progress takes place and the latest iteration will be published in July 2019
School council continues to effectively develop and monitor the broad direction and vision for the school.
School council is a committee comprising of chairperson - Matt Schmidt, vice-chair - Ash Schmidt, school council members - Debbie Schubert, Ashley Amaro, Matt Modra, Paul Schulz, Rebecca Crowe, Shawn Zeppel and new member in 2019 Tim Eckert. Council is supported by school /congregation leaders - Principal - David Wilksch, Director of Wellbeing and Education Administration - Bronwyn Holliday, Pastor - Reid Matthias, Director of Business and Finance - Garry Schwartz and Secretary - Pauline Gilroy.
Council members are parents of the school. Through professional learning and clear guiding principles, School Council understands that a clear delineation between governance and management enables our school to flourish day to day, whilst also having a responsible and innovative eye on the future.
Council meets 10 times a year, and representatives also sit on a number of sub groups including finance, risk and compliance teams, policy team, staff care team, facilities development team, Connected Schools and Lutheran Education SA, NT & WA committees.