Student Wellbeing 

All Saints’ College is a child-safe organisation which seeks to promote positive student wellbeing. The College is firmly committed to the wellbeing of our community and is active in its support of all students throughout their school activities and personal development.


Student wellbeing centres firstly upon the classroom teacher, who is the initial point of contact for any issues concerning your child. Other staff – including the Junior School Psychologist, College Chaplain, Early Childhood Coordinator, Assistant Dean of Junior School (Wellbeing) and the Dean of Junior School – support the classroom teacher regarding all student wellbeing matters.

Management of Student Behaviour

The Junior School’s management of student behaviour is based on self-respect and the consideration of others. Each student is expected to be responsible and accountable for their actions, and to seek to build positive relationships with others, based upon mutual understanding and respect. Students are provided with developmentally appropriate opportunities to consolidate these skills as they progress through the Junior School. The emphasis is on positive reinforcement of respectful behaviour at all times. In instances of behavioural concern, the appropriate step of the ASC Junior School Positive Engagement Behaviour Management Process is implemented. This includes the use of Restorative Practices facilitated and guided by College staff.


The College’s position on the issue of bullying is informed by its Anglican beliefs, the Friendly Schools Project and the National Safe Schools Framework. Bullying occurs when someone (or a group of people) with more power, repeatedly and intentionally uses words and/or actions which cause distress and risk the wellbeing of an individual, group or the wider College community.


The College Community is committed to:

  • Promoting respectful and inclusive relationships, not bullying others;
  • Empowering students to be positive proactive bystanders who help other students who may be bullied;
  • Taking care to include students who may be left out;
  • Sharing concerns regarding others with an adult.

Buddy Program and Building Positive Relationships 

Peer support is provided for younger students through our successful Buddy Program. This also enables our upper Junior School students to develop their communication and leadership skills. Through collaboration and shared experience, Junior School students are able to develop strong bonds that extend beyond the classroom walls and span year levels from Kindergarten to Year 6.


ASC Junior School Positive Engagement Behaviour Management Process 

All staff recognise the importance of students' input into their class charter and acknowledge positive student behaviour. 

The Leader in Me 


'The Leader in Me' has been implemented across the whole College. 'The Leader in Me' is based on Stephen Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, and enhances student personal and social-emotional learning. 


The language and concepts used within 'The Leader in Me' from Pre-Kindergarten onwards will further support children to make positive decisions in their lives within the College and beyond.


The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Habit 1: Be Proactive

You're in charge

1. Pause then respond

2. Use proactive language

3. Focus on your circle of influence

Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind

Have a plan

1. Define outcomes before you act
Habit 3: Put First Things First 

1. Focus on your highest priorities

2. Eliminate the unimportant

3. Plan every week

4. Stay true in the moment of choice

Habit 4: Think Win-WinEveryone can win 

1. Have an abundance mentality

2. Balance courage and consideration

3. Consider other people's wins as well as  your own

4. Create win-win agreements

Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood

Listen before you speak 

1. Practice emphatic learning

2. Respectfully seek to be understood

3. Value difference

Habit 6: Synergise

Together is better 

1. Value differences


2. Seek third alternatives 

Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw 

Balance feels best 

1. Look after your whole self 


Through learning and practice of the 7 Habits, students are able to develop responsibility, initiative and creativity. They are able to set goals and meet them, get along with people of different backgrounds and cultures, resolve conflicts and solve problems. Students become self-managing to a large degree. They develop an effective personal operating system and understand a common language they share with their peers and the College community.