Communication between Teachers and Parents 

Our community is built upon effective communication. The College is always keen to review our practices and appreciates parent feedback in order to better serve our community and to appropriately encourage independence and empowerment of our students.


The main forms of communication are:

  • The College Courier (Whole College) – includes Senior and Junior School news; sent to families each fortnight.
  • Dean of Junior School’s newsletter – includes Junior School updates; sent to families on alternate weeks to The College Courier.
  • SEQTA Engage – Junior School Notices, year level pages.
  • Seesaw – class reminders, individual commendations or reminders
  • Email/phone – individual parent/teacher communication.
  • Student Diary – individual student/parent/teacher communication.

See below the main reasons that teachers and parents communicate:



Teacher introductionAt the start of the year, via an introductory message on SEQTA, Seesaw, in-class meetings, one-to-one meetings.
Teacher explains course/programInformation will be placed on SEQTA Engage Subject Overview at the start of each term.
Reporting an incident – parent or teacherIn person, by phone, email or note in the Student Diary (within 12 hours of incident, where possible).
Academic Concern – parent or teacherPhone call or email to communicate your concern and request a face-to-face meeting, if required.
Inform / make a request – parent or teacherA note in the Student Diary, Dean of Junior School fortnightly newsletter, SEQTA or Seesaw notice which may at times include attachments.
Teacher praises a child / gives feedback to a childVerbal, note in Student Diary, Merit Certificate at Assembly, Seesaw work sample and comment.
Teacher reports a ‘misdemeanour’In line with the ASC Junior School Positive Engagement Behaviour Management Process, communication noted in the Student Diary, phone call or email to parent.
Reporting and work samples

End-of-semester reports available on SEQTA. Work samples on Seesaw or sent home when finished.

Exhibitions of enquiry learning throughout the year.

Work displayed in classroom, including class inquiry floor books in Pre-Kindergarten – Year 2.

Parent Interviews (Term 1), Three-Way Interviews (Term 3).