News From the Principal

Dear Families
Pupil Free Day
A reminder that Friday 7th December (Week 8) is a Pupil Free Day.
Our OSHC will be open, providing we have a minimum of 15 children booked in. Therefore, it is essential that we receive all bookings by Friday 30th November.
Please see the OSHC staff if you require care on this day.
Class Placements 2019
We are working on the assumption that we will have 23 classes next year, based on predicted enrolments of 595.
However, I need to point out that this could change as late as the first day back next year, based on new enrolments or students leaving the school.
The placement process is a very complex and time consuming one. Our aim is to achieve the best possible mix of students in both straight and composite classes. Whilst we like to have children with friends where we can, it is also beneficial for children to mix with new groups of students from year to year.
Your child/ren’s class placement information will be sent home during the last week of term. While we do our best to have all teachers placed by this time, it is not always possible and while your child may know their room number, they may not necessarily know their teacher. I apologise in advance if this is the case.
Reception Transition Visits
Our new Receptions for 2019 will commence their first of four transition visits in week 4.
I would like to welcome them and their families to Largs Bay School. In total, there will be 92 children!!!
They will be in Rooms 3, 4, 5 & 5a for their transition visits as well as next year.
Special thanks must go to our Year 4/5 students who will be taking on a mentoring role with the new children.
Twilight Sports Day
Next Thursday 1st November is our Sports Day (weather permitting).
If the weather is inclement, a decision will be made at the earliest possible time to cancel and the school day will operate as a normal day (eg start time at 8:40am). Friday 2nd November will still remain as a school closure day and Sports day will be rescheduled.
A reminder that school starts at 1:00pm, with the day ending at 6:30pm.
OSHC will be available from 7:00am to 1:00pm for those that require it. Please contact OSHC staff for further information.
You are able to pre-order a Baguette style dinner through the Qkr app by 10am on Monday 29th November for yourself and child/ren.
There will also be a sausage sizzle on the day (no pre-order required).
As well as dinners, there will be a cake stall throughout the afternoon.
End of Year Event
A reminder that our end of year event will take place on Thursday 6th December.
The theme this year is “The Greatest Show on Earth”
The staff and students are putting a lot of work into the night and it would be great to see as many parents & families come along as possible. You will soon receive information asking for donations for classroom themed baskets that will become our raffle prizes. Last year, this was extremely successful due to your support and we look forward to another great selection of goods for the baskets.
Year 7 Graduation
This year we have 60 Year 7 students graduating.
The Graduation evening will be held on Wednesday 12th December in the school hall from 7:30pm, after the students return from their lake dinner cruise.
Further information will be sent out over the coming weeks.