The Leader In Me


Leadership Facilitator


The Junior School Leadership Assembly was created in response to FranklinCovey’s planned tour of Leader In Me Schools.   Our Junior School students and staff worked incredibly hard within a short time frame to put together and showcase The Leader In Me at Oakleigh Grammar.


It was impressive to see our young leaders stepping into unfamiliar roles of hosting an assembly with such confidence.  They were responsible for the many elements that needed to come together and all students happily played a role in this.


Speaking in front of a large audience can be quite frightening.  As teachers, and I am sure as parents and friends, we were delighted to see those with a speaking part rise to the challenge.  Each script was written by the students.  Each element of The Leader In Me that was represented was selected by the Year group of students.  Our assembly really was created and showcased by our young leaders.  It was amazing to see the application of The Habits in play, and a reflection of what can be achieved as a result of empowering and building confidence in our students.   Thank you for the wonderful response and the high engagement demonstrated whilst you were visiting classrooms.

This term we have been able to see the changes in our Student Leadership Structure take shape.  The newly created termly roles have seen many students apply for a termly role in various leadership positions.  Students have engaged in these roles and participated in the planning, communication and management of events.  Creating visibility and purpose for leaders was really important to us and a driver in the developments we have made.

We look forward to showcasing more of The Leader In Me and The 8 Habits at future assemblies.


I would also like to take the opportunity to revisit Habit 1 and the principles within that are particularly relevant in our current circumstances.


Habit 1 Be Proactive:  Based on the principles of responsibility, choice, accountability, initiative and resourcefulness.


Allow a moment to create space between stimulus and response when conversing.  Think about what sort of response will result in connectedness and understanding.  This is the moment we have the capacity to really influence an outcome and the moment we have full responsibility.  

Reflect on your Circle of Control and Your Circle of Influence:

  • What sits in your circle of control?  How can your decisions have a direct impact?  You are responsible for these actions.
  • What sits in your circle of influence?  You can have some impact here but this also includes the actions of others.
  • What is of concern to you but you cannot change the outcome?  These are things we should aim to release from our thoughts.