Principal's Report

From The Principal
Farewell to the Class of 2017
To celebrate the achievements of our Year 12 students, on Wednesday 25th we held our whole school farewell assembly, which included our traditional send-off from our Preps with a special song and presentation for the Year 12 students. The Year 12 cohort have been wonderful ambassadors and have contributed so much to our College, having represented us in countless sporting, cultural and academic events. They have worked really hard this year with our emphasis on high expectations in all areas and we are all proud of them.
On behalf of the whole College Community, I would like to wish all Year 12 students every success for the examination period, which has begun this week. I am confident they will all achieve the VCE or VCAL results they deserve and have worked towards all year, with much persistence. No matter what their pathway on leaving Carwatha College P 12, as long as they continue to strive to achieve the best that they can, they can be satisfied.
The class of 2017 have made an outstanding contribution to our school and we are proud of each and every one of them. I would like to thank Senior School Leader Sally Ross, Year 12 Coordinator Lambrini Christopher, our Careers team of Jodie McCarthy and Pam Naylor, Assistant Principal Rosanna Spina and all of our Year 12 teachers who have all worked tirelessly to support our Year 12 students this year.
I would also like to thank our student Leaders:
- College Captains: Dylan Amante, Jordan Hallett, Kirsten Hallett and Jarvis Ho
- Arts Captains: Natalia Illeveski and Sophie Diamantis
- House Captains:Chelsea Collard, Viktoria Karkotzoulis, William Nguyen and Prithi Prahuran
You have represented the school with Pride and you have showcased to our community what outstanding students Carwatha produces.
Another big event for year 12 students is the Valedictory Night on November the 21st. This night will be an opportunity for parents, teachers and students to get together in a formal setting to reflect on the past year and recognise the achievements of our Year 12 students.
On Monday the 30th of October the College Art and Technology show was on, unfortunately I was not able to attend, however I have seen the work created by our students, their talent is amazing and it is great to have the opportunity to put it on display for our community to see. A special thanks to all members of the Art and Technology domains for all the work they put in to displaying the work.
On Wednesday 2nd, I was fortunate to be invited by our year 10 food Students to a High Tea. The service and food was amazing showcasing what the students have been learning this semester.
It has been an extremely busy couple of weeks, our grade 3’s have had an excursion to Waverley Gardens to see where food comes from, the teeth on wheels bus has visited the primary school students with dentists checking their teeth, year 11’s have had an incursion teaching them on how to prepare to drive safely, our year 10 students have been preparing for work experience, year 7’s visited Science Works, Kinder Club has been running and we have had a number of visits from Heritage and Heatherhill Kindergartens to our school. A special thanks to all staff who have been a part of the organisation of theses event.
Pat Mulcahy