Student News

Student activities and event highlights 

Volley Ball 

Congratulations to our grade 5 and 6 students who recently competed in the  Volleyball State Championships  in Dandenong.  Well done boys!


Gumbuya World Visit

Our foundation students visited Gumbya World on Monday.  The students prepared for a safari adventure on Gumbuya World’s Wildlife Trail. Students were taken throughout the sanctuary with an expert Wildlife Ranger to meet various animals of all shapes and sizes, up close and personal.  All while learning how to interact with different animals safely and respectfully and more importantly recognize them as living things that have their own feelings and emotions.



Colour Run Awards


Congratulation to our Highest Fundraising Students Heath and Ayden.


Congratulations to our highest Fundraising Class LA1


Congratulations to everyone at  Trafalgar Primary School for making such a huge effort fundraising for our Colour Run.  You have done a tremendous job raising a total of $16,620.80.


Instrumental Music Concert

This week in the gym the music department held their end of year instrumental concert.

The concert at Festival on the Lawn was a celebration of classroom music. This concert was a celebration of all the hard work extracurricular instrumental students have put in with their instrumental teachers in music lessons during the year.

There were some amazing performances on drums, vocals, piano, guitar, and small ensemble groups.

Big thanks to the instrumental teachers for their dedication and hard work during the year and thanks to parents/guardians for supporting the program so strongly. 

Well done to all the students who performed and participated on the night.

Ricky Allan (Specialist music teacher/Music Coordinator)


Student Services

All students and their families are reminded that the following organisation can provide additional services to support your mental health and wellbeing