
Dear Genazzano Alumnae,
A warm welcome to the first newsletter for 2023, including highlights from our Alumnae community, important dates and more.
The Alumnae Association is increasingly welcoming new members and adapting new ideas and opportunities to reunite our community. All alumnae are welcome to join the association, please email Stephanie Johnston alumnae Association President, presidentalumnae@genazzano.vic.edu.au if your are interested.
We extend our congratulations to Bronwyn Wraith (1974), Anne Wilkinson (1974), Janet Ellis (1975) and Leonie Silk (1974) who won the 94th Women's Inter-School Golf Challenge Cup. Well done Ladies!
As always, we would love to hear about and celebrate your achievements. Please email your family news, career achievements or stories to alumnae@genazzano.vic.edu.au.
On behalf of the College and the Alumnae Association we hope you are enjoying the Easter Break and may we continue 2023 with a passion to reconnect with others, inspire one another and grow.