Principal's Message

(Heads, Hearts & Hands)

Liam Buckley

The Advent Season is all about reflecting on how we can prepare our hearts and homes for Christ's birth in the world as it is today. It is a time for faith communities and families to remember, through prayer, reflections, special music, and good deeds what the true meaning of Jesus' birth is.

Bayside Catholic Mission Bulletin 


Dear St Joseph's family,

We are about to farewell our wonderful Year 6 students: Mia, Nina, Hayley, Ben, Ollie, Edward and Josh. You have been fantastic and we will miss you. I'm looking forward to watching you graduate and enjoy the last few days. 

Thank you for your contributions to St Joseph's, and thank you to Kristina and Melinda for providing such a lovely learning environment and preparing the students for Graduation.

Well done Class of 2022


The year is drawing to a close, reports have gone home, graduation is approaching, end of year celebrations are happening and we are all excited about the summer holidays. Christmas is coming!

From each and everyone of us at St Joseph's, we wish you all a safe, happy and blessed Christmas. For our students who are leaving St Joseph's and getting ready to start their next chapter, we will miss you - but we are very proud of you and know that you are ready for that next step. We wish our staff members Sam and Sharon the best of luck in their next roles and thank them for the kindness they have shown the children. 



Week 11

Monday 12th

Advent Liturgy Year 4.     9am

Move Up Day 9.30pm - 11am

Tuesday 13th

Move Up for Year 1/2

Graduation Mass 6pm

Graduation Dinner 7pm 

Wednesday 14thSpecialist lessons
Thursday 15th

Year 6 at Luna Park 

Christmas Picnic 5pm - 6.30pm

Friday 16th

Whole School Mass 9.15am (Parents welcome)

Final Assembly 2.45pm (2023 Captains announced) 

Last day of the year for students 3.30pm

Monday 19th Staff last Day


Christmas Picnic

Our Carols Evening is fast approaching, next Thursday 15th between 5-6.30pm. We are hoping we can all come together and celebrate the completion of another great school year at St Joseph’s. See P&F Operoo for food and drink options.


Year 3/4 Camp 

We had a wonderful time at Philip Island Resort  (CYC) with the Year 3 and Year 4 children. The weather was great, the camp was fantastic and most importantly the children slept all night on both nights!! Superstars! 

Massive thank you to the staff that gave up time with their own families to make camp possible. Thank you Sharon, Michelle, Bec, Sam and Ben!!


200 Days in Year 1/2 !!

Our wonderful Year 1/2 had a surprise party to celebrate 200 uninterrupted days in school after remote learning! Thank you to all who contributed and we loved the smiles on our students' faces.


 St Joseph's Sports Day 


We had a beautiful and fun Sports Day last week. The school walked to Balcombe Road Reserve where we took part in lots of different activities and races. Nagle House were the eventual winners. Thanks Mrs Conway and all the staff for another great day. Go St Joey's!


Leadership speeches 


Our Year 5 students presented their Leadership Speeches last week. We were all incredibly proud of the boys and girls. The rest of the school voted for who they think would make a great school leader next year. The positions will be announced at the final assembly on Friday 16th from 2.30pm onwards. 


2023 Specialist Classes


For 2023 we will be including Yoga/Dance in our specialist program. Sophie Bowen has been a fantastic addition to our program and we all recognise the positive impact on the health and wellbeing of the children. Specialist classes remain on Wednesdays next year and the children will have 4 hours (lessons) with ART / Indonesian, Environmental Science, Physical Education and Dance/Yoga.

This time also allows teachers to plan and prepare the lessons for the following week.


Black Rock Pre School

From 2023 Black Rock Pre School will be hosting one of their 3 Year Old Groups here at St Joseph's. Initially it will be on Friday and the kinder will use the Wellbeing Room. 


Main dates for 2023

Term 1 2023 Dates



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