Senior School Update

Year 12 Wrap Up

Term 4 felt like a brief one for our Year 12 cohort as they finished classes and entered the exam period. We celebrated the end of formal classes with a Year 12 breakfast in the quad and a special final assembly, where we reminisced about the time this cohort had spent at Box Hill and were treated to several special musical performance. Sian Zahid and Ali Elliot both wowed us, Sian with an inspiring song and Ali with an original song on guitar, both demonstrating talent and heart. It is so special to see the support this cohort has shown to their peers. Colin, our beloved Wellbeing counsellor brought tears to everyone’s eyes with a song on his ukulele and we thank Colin and the Wellbeing team for all the support they have given these students over their years at school. The big hit of the assembly was the Teachers Band, performing a cover of Kate Bush’s ‘Running Up That Hill’, complete with 80s style dress-ups as an ode to Stranger Things.  


The exam period for many was stressful, tiring and nerve-wracking, but from my position in the Study Centre and Senior office, it was fantastic to see so many students studying together, encouraging each other and making use of help from staff. My conversations with students demonstrated how hard they’d all worked and there was some positivity amongst the nerves – this was their chance to show their skills.  


Although their time at Box Hill may be officially over, I would like all the students to know that our doors are open if they ever want to visit or have a chat – it has been delightful working with such a committed, friendly, funny, talented group of young people and I wish them all the success in their next steps of life.  

By Amy Longden