Changes to School Operations in 2023

Key Changes to School Operations in 2023:

Timetable and Bell Times

In 2023 we will be changing the number of periods each day from 6 periods of 50 minutes to 5 periods of 60 minutes. The number of minutes of learning in each subject area is approximately the same, and we hope that this reduction of different classes each day reduces the cognitive load of learning for our students.


The day will start 5 minutes later – see below for bell times

Period 1 Starts8:40 AM
Period 2 Starts9:40 AM
Period 3 Starts11:05 AM
Period 4 Starts12:05 PM
Period 5 Starts1:55 PM
Period 5 Ends2:55 PM

Three Sub schools

Next year we introduce three sub schools for the first time. This will allow us to better support individual students and plan programs that target students’ developmental stages and needs.


Junior School – Year 7 & 8

Middle School – Year 9 & 10

Senior School – Year 11 & 12


Year Level Coordinators (YLCs): there is a Coordinator at each year level who is responsible for the learning, engagement and wellbeing of all students at that year level, including minor behaviour concerns that arise with individual students. They are the primary contact for teachers, students and families. 


Each Sub school also has an Assistant YLC who provides additional support to students in those year levels.


Sub-School Leader: Each Sub School has a Leader who leads the strategic direction for each sub-school, and is responsible for transition/VCE, supporting diverse learners, engagement programs and complex issues/serious concerns

2023 Sub School Teams

Junior School

Year 7 Year Level Coordinator                                 Ms. Emily Wilkinson

Year 8 Year Level Coordinator                                 Mr. Jake Barnett

Junior School Support Coordinator                       Ms. Minnie Zeng

Junior Sub School Leader                                         Mr. Nic Barca


Middle School

Year 9 Year Level Coordinator                                 Ms. Emily Wilkinson

Year 10 Year Level Coordinator                               Mr. Jake Barnett

Middle School Support Coordinator                     Ms. Rebecca Kertes   

Middle Sub School Leader                                      Ms. Stef Bear      


Senior School

Year 11 Year Level Coordinator                               Ms. Arabella Thompson 

Year 12 Year Level Coordinator                               Ms. Eleanor Smith

Senior School Support Coordinator                      Mr. Luke Jenner

Senior Sub School Leader                                        Ms. Jess Sheppard


Student Wellbeing Team

Student Wellbeing Leader                                        Ms. Felicity Shiel-Jones

Mental Health Practitioner                                       Ms. Bowen Guan

Student Counsellors                                                   Mr. Colin Osborn & Ms. Tiffany Casey


Attendance processes

Attendance will now be recorded and monitored in each sub school. If students are absent for any reason, they should follow the advice below. Parents are also encouraged to call the sub-school directly if there are reasons for extended absences so we can best support the student and family. 


See below for guidance:

ExampleParents/Students should
Student is absent from school for the day

Parents/guardians must advise the school  by either entering the absence on Compass or calling the relevant Sub School office and leaving a message. The school’s preferred method is via Compass.


Student arrives late to school


Sign in using their Student ID card on the Compass Kiosk in Sub-School and then go straight to class. Students who have forgotten to bring their Student ID card will still need to obtain a late pass from the Sub-School Support Staff.


Students who wish to leave a class for purposes such as going to lockers, toilets or the Resource Centre


Students must get written permission from their teacher 

(note in diary)

Student needs to leave school early


Students should have a written note or Parent Approval on Compass, they then get ‘Early Leavers Pass’ from the Sub-School Office in the morning, and then sign out on the Compass Kiosk in the sub school when leaving school grounds.


The 2022 Victorian Schools Agreement and Time in Lieu for staff

The new Agreement provides that the Principal may require a teacher to undertake a school activity outside the normal hours of attendance (i.e. in excess of the 38 hours or normal hours for a part time teacher) and, when this occurs, it will attract time in lieu.  The Agreement defines school activity as a structured activity organised by the school such as a Parent Teacher meeting, Camp, Excursion, Concert, Parent Information Session, or after-hours Sport. 


As you may have seen in the media, schools are required to budget for time in lieu and this additional cost for Camps, Activities and Excursions needs to be factored into planning.


Despite the additional cost to the school, in 2023 we will continue to run the Year 7 Orientation Camp, the Year 8 Summit Camp, the Year 12 Retreat, and the Music Camp. We will also continue with the Music Concerts and the School Production in addition to other parent nights held throughout the year. We will monitor the cost of this time in lieu and endeavour to continue to run these valuable programs as much as possible.