In 2022, the Respect Program continued working with The Resilience Project and introduced a range of inquiry units for each of the junior year levels. We aimed to increase student agency in the hope that students' deciding the direction of their learning on specific topics would result in more impactful learning.
Year 7 completed a unit called Screenagers, where students learnt about the issue of too much screen time and the effects it has on young people. Students worked in small groups to plan a way to make a change in their year level, school, or community to lower the amount of screen time each week. Students created some posters, articles and even used their coding skills to create a survey that provides automatic feedback for an individual based on their input.
Year 8 participated in a unit on Digital Citizenship, where students learnt about the positives and negatives associated with social media use and how it could impact their personal life in the present and future. Students worked on creating a podcast about the importance of maintaining integrity in their online profiles, as well as the mental and emotional detriment social media can have on individual mental health and wellbeing.
Year 9 engaged in the Get Up, Stand Up, Show Up unit. Classes showed their creativity, and organisational skills to facilitate a variety of fundraising events, run on Friday 2nd December. The fundraising was in alignment with the NAIDOC theme “Get Up, Stand Up, Show up”, a theme which calls for all Australians to come together and become participants in real change. Students raised a total of $1438.45 for the Mullum Mullum Indigenous Gathering Place (MMIGP), an organisation local to the Eastern Metropolitan Region committed to retaining, promoting, and strengthening Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural identity. MMIGP provide a wide range of programs and activities that aim to empower, educate and support the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community within the eastern metropolitan region. The Year 9 students showed a lot of enthusiasm and rallied together to ensure their events were successful! A huge congratulations to the entire cohort.
List of fundraising activities by form group:
9A ran a stall selling icy poles, which were a hit on such a warm day.
9B organised a bake sale with a large variety of delicious treats for sale.
9C facilitated a variety of carnival games, including Choc Toss, Nerf gun knock over, and Bean bag toss.
9D organised a ‘Pie Face’ stall where students had the chance to throw cream pies and water bombs at volunteer teachers and students, for only a small fee.
9E sold raffle tickets with the winners taking home a box of prizes which students had bought/donated to help raise money.
9F ran a Choc Toss carnival game and a lucky dip.
9G organised a free dress day, where students could come dressed in any colours from the Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander flags.
9H had two stalls, one with beautiful face paint designs as well as a carnival game of Knock it down.
9Z ran a stall selling cold soft drinks and providing incentives for those who returned their cans for recycling.