Parents and Friends


The 2022 PNF Committee and Members would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and safe and Joyful New Year.


Thank you for your continued support throughout 2022.


Thank you to families who have contributed to our fundraisers, your generosity is greatly appreciated.


A special mention to all the parents that have helped with events throughout 2022 without your support we are unable to run these amazing days.


We look forward to another fun filled year in 2023!!!



Thank you for a Wonderful 2022 St Francis de Sales


Today we held our annual Christmas Raffle with every child receiving an entry as a thank you from the Parents and Friends Association. This year we were very lucky to have had all of our prizes donated from businesses near and far. Our prizes came from:


Luna Park

Moonlit Sanctuary

Museums Victoria

Gary Mass MP

The Pancake Parlour


Dominos – Marriott Waters

Dandee Donuts


To all of our winners – a very big Congratulations.


Alice Salemme

Oliver Plackal

Gabrielle Peiris

Josh Rakesh

Alexander Shelton

Caleb McKay

Dean Barna

Abigail Horn


Well Done on a fantastic year – we cannot wait to see what 2023 brings for all.  




These are the various Events the PNF ran in 2022


Pancake Day


Twilight Sports


Sushi Fun Lunch


Hot Cross Buns / Easter Raffle


Colour Run 


Mother’s Day Breakfast & Stall


Election BBQ   / Working Bee BBQ 




Soccer Day Sausage Sizzle


Cheer Toastie Truck 


Grandparents Day 


Uniform Shop Afternoon / Morning Tea


Father’s Day Breakfast & Stall


KFC Lunch


Recycling Rewards


Twilight Market BBQ / Coin Toss / Popcorn Stall


Dandee Donut Fun Treat 


Uniform Shop


Chips / Popcorn / Icy Pole 
















Have any old summer / winter uniform at home?

Why not donate them to the uniform shop?

We accept all donations summer and winter uniform, feel free to leave any donations at the office.






A huge Thank you to the 2022 Committee Members 

Courtney, Melody, Melissa, Kirei & Natasha 



Also to our General members

Ancy, Bruntha, Jo, Elena, Gail, Lourdes, Pree, Ruchira, Shimi, Shivanthi and Suzy


Without the support of these amazing people, we would be unable to plan and organise these amazing events so a big Thank you 



We look forward to welcoming the new committee and general members in 2023.



Join our Facebook page to get lots of useful information, copies of forms and ask questions top other parents 


Please Note: you must answer the questions to be accepted into the group requests with no questions answered access will be denied  




All volunteers and helpers at SFS must have a valid Working with Children Check (WWCC).


 These checks are very easy to apply for, and free for volunteers. 

We love having parent helpers with all our Parents and Friends events, the children love seeing their parents at school.