Church News 

Kylie Koelman 


Everyone is welcome to join us on Sunday morning for worship. Worship times are 8.30am for a Traditional Service and 10.00am for a more Contemporary service with Godly Play on offer for Primary School aged children. Tea and Coffee and a time of gathering is held most weeks after both worship services.  For a trial period of six months, there will be one combined service held at 9.30 on the first Sunday of the Month, with a blended style of worship. This means that this Sunday, 7th May, there will be one service at 9.30am.



Playgroup @St Paul is on each Tuesday during Term time in the Hall.  We welcome people anytime from 8.30 onwards to help set up. Join us for a coffee, playtime, story time and songs from 9-10.30 each week during school terms. Cost is $2 per family.  We offer a simple craft, a sensory activity and read a book related to a different theme each week.

This week we read the book ‘It takes Two to T’wit T’woo’ by Paula Knight and made owls.







 Next week we will be making gifts for Mother’s Day and reading the book ‘Monkey Puzzle’ by Julia Donaldson and find out whether Little Monkey can find his Mum.

For more information about anything playgroup related contact Kylie Koelman in the Church Office on 8262 4690 or email at



St Paul Youth is run on the first and third Fridays of the month during school terms and is open to students in School years 6-8.  The next SPY date is this Friday 5th May at 7pm in the hall.  Cost is 4@ per family.

Please contact either Renate or Tom if you need more information, or the Church office on 8262 4690 or email



This resource is developed by the Lutheran Church of Australia and is intended to be a guide in sharing faith activities with members of your family.

Here are a few ways you could introduce faith discussions in your home and day-to-day life.

Mealtime Prayer:  

Lord Jesus, thank you for the blessings of this day.  May we have the faith to walk your way.  Amen.



(Child’s name) May God give you peace in your heart and may he fill you with trust in

Jesus. Amen.


Bible Verse of the Week: 

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me.” (John 14:6)



Backpacks for SA Kids is a South Australian non-profit organisation supporting newborn babies through to teenagers who are placed into foster or emergency care.

Backpacks for SA Kids also provides clothes and personal supplies to children placed in emergency foster care, domestic violence shelters and who are under duress.

They are in desperate need of donations, as highlighted in the graphic below.  Donations can be dropped off at the Church Office, or directly to the Backpacks for SA Kids Warehouse, located at Unit 5/1421 Main N Rd, Para Hills West.  The Para Hills West Warehouse opening times can vary, so please contact them directly on 0414 490 003 to check beforehand.