

Giving Thanks


Welcome to Term 2. If you’re anything like me, you might be wondering, how are we already this far into the year as we begin the month of May? This week, the freshness of the end of autumn mornings have reminded me that we are well and truly on our way to winter.


As we begin this new term and the changing weather brings cooler temperatures, fallen leaves and puddles to play in, I must admit, I really do enjoy this season of change. I am thankful for warm coats, cosy classrooms and reading a book while listening to the sound of rain; I know this is not everyone’s cup of tea, but as we move from the autumn season and into winter, we are reminded of the constant change and transformation that takes place in our world. With each passing season, we are given new opportunities to appreciate the blessings that surround us.


We have the privilege each day to come together to learn, grow and support one another at St Paul. This week, as we begin our new term, reach for a warmer jacket and look forward to all the fun that we know this term will bring, we can begin by taking the time to give thanks.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 says Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 

This verse reminds us to give thanks, not only for the good things in our lives and when things are going well, but also for when we are faced with challenges, as they provide opportunities for growth and learning. I remind myself of this when things get tricky, that there is always something to learn and always something to be grateful for.

In the book of Psalms, we read 

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever, Psalm 107:1 

These words remind us that no matter what changes may come our way, God’s love and grace remain constant and unchanging. What a gift this is.


This week, l invite you to take the time to appreciate the beauty of the changing seasons and the blessings in our lives. I am grateful for the new term and welcoming the children back to school this week, seeing our community welcoming one another into a new term and knowing that it will be filled with play, learning, beautiful mistakes, growth and gratitude.


Blessings for the term ahead.


Submitted by Jessica Robinson