Junior School

Prep BW  1/2PB  1/2NP

Prep BW

The preps have had exciting new things happening in the classroom. We have started a whole class reward system using our ‘star chart’ and an individual reward system with our ‘raffle tickets’. In buddies, we started designing and making our very own board games 

that we will continue working on next term.



In Literacy, we have been learning to sound out words to help with our reading and writing, and we have been practising rhyming words. We have begun to look at how to write a recount sentence and we are writing about what we did on the weekend.



In Numeracy, we have been learning about comparing groups using language such as more, less and the same, and we have been learning about Australian money.  f you would like to see for yourself what our kids are learning, we would love you to help your children read the price tags at the shops and use cash to pay!


1/2 PB & NP

One week until the end of Term! It has gone so quickly and the children are all ready for a well deserved break.


Students have been learning about personal opinions and arguments for and against the 

same topic. Students have also identified arguments in texts we have read. This will be continued into next Term to help them write persuasive texts. When reading, students have been making text-to-text and text-to-self connections as  well as summarising the text. Students have been enjoying reading their Library books and take home books. Many have reached over 25 nights of home reading and are working towards hitting 50 nights soon. Home reading is extremely important as it helps children practise their reading skills and it is a lovely time to share with your child. 

Students have also learnt about the soft <c> sound (cent) and the soft <g> sound (giant) and proper nouns and they have practised putting words into alphabetical order.


Students have worked with shapes to demonstrate flip, slide and turn and used the 

language of direction. They gave directions to ensure the Easter Bunny made it to his basket of eggs, picking up Easter eggs and chicks on the way and avoiding the holes!


1/2NPs shoe lace tying challenge has been paying off.  We now have 7 people who are shoe lace tying experts!



We can't wait to see the Easter bonnets students make at home for the Easter bonnet parade on Wednesday. Good luck with the Easter raffle too!

We would like to wish everyone a very happy and safe Easter and Term 1 break. Thank you for the support you have given your children and to us. See you in Term 2!