Dear Parents


Our School Calendar for Term 2 is filling quickly, with lots of school and extra curricular events planned. Please keep an eye on the Term calendar on the Newsletter and Sentral Parent Portal.


Congratulations to our Term 2 elected SRC Representatives. The elected children have received their badges this week. Congratulations to the following children;

  • Support Harper Rowlands and Ayla Potts
  • 1/2M - William Skein
  • 2I - Lawson Glasgow
  • 2Mc - Ellie Surawski 
  • 3/4C - Evie Lovegrove
  • 3/4F - Christian Taylor Mena
  • 3/4L - Tate Solomon
  • 3/4M - Harvey Glasgow 
  • 3/4S - Jasmyn Ferrier
  • 5/6A - Mackenzie West 
  • 5/6D - Chloe Eriksson 
  • 5/6T - Brody Miller
  • 5/6W - Nikki Allan

Good luck to our boys and girls touch football teams who will be playing against Bathurst South Public School this Friday in the 1st round of the NSW PSSA knockout. The games will be hosted by Bathurst South PS and played at Stannies. I wish both teams good luck. Thank you to Mrs McPhee and Mrs White for the many hours they have spent coaching and preparing the teams for these games. 


Our School Athletics Carnival will be held on Wednesday 7th June at MacKillop College. This is much earlier then we anticipated. We have now made adjustments to our Sport and Athletics program to fit in as many of the trials for the field events for the Athletics Carnival as possible. Due to the short time frame, the carnival at MacKillop will focus on Track (running) events. Some field events may occur as trials only. We will hold the finals of the field events at Bathurst Public School on Friday 16th June/Friday 23rd June (weather pending). We look forward to seeing everyone at the carnivals, and further information will be sent home in the next week.


Check-in Assessments for children at Bathurst Public School in Year 4 and Year 6 will take place on Monday 15th May and Thursday 18th May. Year 3 and Year 5 children will participate in Check-in Assessments later in the year. Check-in assessments are an online assessment for students in Years 3 to 9. They are mapped to the NSW Syllabuses and National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions. There are two assessments:

  • Reading
  • Numeracy

Each assessment is designed to be quick and easy to administer, consisting of between 40 to 50 multiple choice questions. Schools can access feedback soon after the completion of the assessment. The assessment can supplement existing school practices to identify how students are performing in literacy and numeracy and to help teachers tailor their teaching more specifically to student needs. If parents would like further information about the Check-in Assessments, please contact your child's classroom teacher.


Kinder 2024 Enrolments are now being accepted at Bathurst Public School.

Please enrol online or contact the office at school for further information


General Reminders:-

  • Each day starts with a Morning Circle in each class. This occurs at 9 am. During the morning circle, the roll is marked, every child is acknowledged, and important information is shared. Teachers also ensure the children know what the day's outline is and a positive primer occurs. Please ensure children are at school by 9 am as the morning circle sets the school day up positively for every child and teacher.
  • Fruit Break - every class across the school has a fruit break each morning. We would like parents to continue sending a piece of fruit or vegetable (cut up in a small container if this is preferred) each day for their child to eat during the morning session. 
  • When parents, friends and visitors come to the school during the day, they should QR code before entering the premises. This is a Legal and Health and Safety requirement and is followed for the safety and security of all children and staff. There are no longer pen and paper sign-in sheets; the QR coding is now an electronic visitor register for each school.
  • We continue to encourage parents to make appointments to come and talk about your child’s progress, problems that may arise, ideas etc. It is reminded that your child's education is a team effort, with teachers and parents being the main stakeholders. With this in mind, it is an important reminder that the parent/teacher relationship always needs to be cohesive and supportive and one of mutual respect. I am sure we will continue to work with one another in a positive manner for the betterment of every child at our school.
  • All money coming to the school should be placed in a sealed envelope with your child’s name, the correct amount of money, class, and what the money is for clearly written on the front. All money and notes should be sent directly to the front office at the school for processing.

If any parent has any concerns regarding any aspect of school life, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Kate White
