
Recycle, Earn and Play
Our school is taking part in the Wonder Recycling Rewards campaign this term.
Please bring in your plastic bread bags (even muffins and crumpet bags) and drop them off in front of FK. They can be any brand of bread.
We are hoping to earn new RHSports Equipment, so please bring in as many as you can!
For more details check out the Community Section of this week's newsletter.
Nude Food
With the whirlwind that has been the start of Term 2, Nude Food Day has not happened yet this term. Nude Food will be next Tuesday on the 9th of May.
The Year Six Green Team will be making an announcement at assembly this Monday to remind everyone!
Please support your kids in packing a wrapper free lunch and hopefully their class will win a game with the Year Six Green Team.
World Bee Day
The Year Six Green Team are currently organising our school's celebration of World Bee Day on the 22nd of May. We are very excited for the fun activities they have been working on. The Year Fours have also been working on a Bee Hotel for our school, which will be put up on our school grounds soon.
Please read the article written by 4B in the Year 4 Urban Gardening section of the newsletter.
For more information about World Bee Day check out the website:
Fun fact about bees: Bees first appeared on Earth at least 80 million years ago. The ancestors of modern bee species lived alongside the dinosaurs - a time when giant pines, cedars, tree ferns and cycads were the main plants and the air swarmed with primitive insects including oversized dragonflies and giant butterflies.