Student of The Week Awards 

Congratulations to all our SOTW Award Recipients!

Monday 15 May, 2023 - Week 3


Student Name

For Demonstrating

Award Details


Carly Baker 

A Love of Learning 

Carly, you are a reading superstar! We couldn’t be prouder of the effort you have put in to learn all of the letters and sounds so far! You listen well in class, complete your work beautifully and are a standout in our small group sessions. Milo Monkey would be so impressed!  



Alice Bourne


Congratulations to Alice for displaying Kindness in Foundation E. Alice displays kindness as she is quick to help others in the classroom and treats everyone with respect. She always uses wonderful manners too. Well done, Alice!


Ava Pennell


Congratulations to Ava, for displaying outstanding leadership in Foundation E this week. Ava has demonstrated excellent listening, is helpful to others and always participates in classroom discussions with enthusiasm. Well done, Ava! 


Max Mott

Love of Learning

Max is always ready for a challenge in his learning. He is a great contributor in Foundation K always sharing many facts and knowledge about different things. We all enjoy listening to what he has to share with us. Well done, Max!


Olivia Flanagan


At our Year Two excursion to TwistED Science last week, Olivia was a true role model who represented the Black Rock spirit. She was excited about learning, polite and responsible. She even helped other young members of the community. Well done, Olivia! 


Rosalie Pretty


Rosie wowed the class this week with her creativity. She did an amazing job putting together her Mother’s Day card showing off her exceptional artistic ability. Well done Rosie!   



William Mitropoulos


William should be commended for the wonderful way he cooperatives and focuses on tasks during group activities. He listens attentively to his peers’ suggestions, makes significant well thought out contributions and willingly assists his group in achieving their learning outcomes. Congratulations William! 


Gwen Moore


Gwen has been a wonderful participant in our swimming program over the past two weeks. She is organised and methodical when organising her belongings and is always one of the first students out of the change rooms. Fantastic work Gwen!


Toby Smyth


Toby has shown fantastic collaboration skills within the classroom so far this year. He is always willing to help others, no matter the person, during a task. 


Sophie Fuller

Love of Learning

Sophie is always an enthusiastic member of the class. Her love of maths has not gone unnoticed as she grins with delight when seeing there’s a Maths session coming up.  Sophie treats each lesson, no matter what subject, with an enthusiasm that is contagious. Thank you for being such a passionate student Sophie.



Sia Chand


Sia is a wonderful member of 5L! We have been especially impressed with her perseverance whilst dealing with a broken arm. Sia has not let this set back affect her learning or her enthusiasm for school activities. We are very proud of your bravery Sia and we’re lucky to have you in 5L! 


Aliyah Abo-Karima

Perseverance/A Love of Learning 

Aliyah has shown excellent improvement in her time management skills to complete her homework. She has worked with focus and determination during learning activities this term and we look forward to continuing to see this. Keep up the wonderful work Aliyah!  You’re a star!



Olive Bryant


Olive was an excellent participant during our Maths sessions last week. It was wonderful to see Olive and her partner using their problem solving skills and teamwork to solve some very tricky problems involving integers.

Amazing work Olive!



Raph Ribeiro


Raph was an outstanding buddy on the zoo excursion last Thursday. He always put his buddy first, ensuring that he was able to see everything he wanted and felt safe at all times. It was terrific to see this from Raph and it demonstrated how caring he can be. Keep it up Raph!


Josh Sari


Josh did a marvellous job looking after his buddy, Helena, on the zoo excursion last week. Miss Nolan was so happy to have him in her group and she could not speak higher of Josh and his efforts to ensure that his buddy had a fantastic day. Amazing work Josh!


Felicity Young


Well done, Felicity in 6M, on being recognised for your creativity this week. Not only did you show imagination in your own work, but you worked with others on their own creative projects. Your commitment to learning and helpfulness towards others has not gone unnoticed. Congratulations!


Filip Ilic


Congratulations Filip in 6M, on being recognised for your leadership skills. Your positive attitude and guidance towards your buddy was wonderful to see. Keep up the great work and continue to be a role model for your peers. Well done!