Student of The Week Awards 

Congratulations to all our SOTW Award Recipients!

Monday 08 May, 2023 - Week 2


Student Name

For Demonstrating

Award Details


Helena Chernitsky

Love of Learning 

Helena was an absolute star on our Zoo excursion last week! She got along brilliantly with her buddies, followed instructions, asked great questions and was positive and happy the whole day.  It was such a joy to have you in my group and spend the day with you Helena! 



Avery Mikeleit


Foundation K is so fortunate to have a kind class member like Avery. She always demonstrates care and consideration to everyone with a big smile. Avery is always willing to help others and she is a wonderful classroom monitor. Well done, Avery!


Mia Knezev

Love of Learning

Mia displays a wonderful desire to learn. She conscientiously applies herself to all tasks. She listens intently to teacher instruction and contributes to class discussions. Mia always takes pride in the presentation of her work, adding colour and detail. Keep up the fantastic effort Mia!


Ruby Davies


Ruby has been a diligent ‘Handy Helper’ this week and has demonstrated that she is a responsible member of 1D. She is a caring and friendly student who is always willing to help her classmates and teacher.  Keep up the wonderful work Ruby!


James Hou

Love of Learning

James has made a fabulous start to Term 3, he has approached all tasks eagerly and has completed his work to a high standard.  James worked very hard in math this week. He was able to demonstrate that he can confidently skip count using a range of patterns and from various starting points. Keep up the great work, James. 



Millie Crittenden

Kindness and Support

Through the beginning of Term 2, Millie has been very supportive of her classmates in 1J. She has always shown care when another student needs assistance with a task and is consistently one of the first to lend a helping hand. Keep up the great work Millie!!



Michael Atkins


Mikey should be so proud of his writing last week! He wrote a persuasive writing piece all by himself! It included three different reasons why a friend should come to his house and had a very positive attitude when spelling words he was not sure of.

Keep it up Mikey!


Gigi King


Gigi is a kind and caring friend to others. She has shown her compassionate nature by continually supporting others and helping build safe learning spaces for her peers. Thank you for being such a great classmate Gigi. 


Christos Iakovdis

A Love of Learning

Christos is receiving the Student of the Week award as he has been showing an exemplary effort in class this week. He has shown improvement in both his attitude towards learning and in how he tackles new challenges. Well done Christos!



Allie Howard

Love of Learning

Allie demonstrates a great passion for learning. She regularly looks for ways to challenge herself and extend her thinking. It has been wonderful to see Allie so engaged in our BFG book study, enthusiastically incorporating new vocabulary, making predictions and identifying similes and metaphors. Keep up the incredible work Allie! 




Isaac-Noah has demonstrated empathy and insight in his well-articulated responses to our class novel study of ‘Wonder’. He also wrote about his feelings of surprise that a person could be so unkind. We’re glad to have a person as kind as you in our class, Isaac.


Flynn Baker


Flynn is a kind and thoughtful member of 4Z. He has modelled continual kindness and friendship especially inside the classroom. Flynn is always willing to help his classmates with their work or offer assistance to anyone who needs it. We are very lucky to have such a wonderful and kind student in our class. Thanks Flynn


Kaiah Fahey


Kaiah is an absolute pleasure to have in 5L! She is kind and considerate to all her peers and is always making us laugh with her fantastic sense of humour. Kaiah is a great role model and did a wonderful job when writing and presenting her speech for Student Voice Captain. You are a great asset to 5L Kaiah! 


Harrison Young


Harrison is to be congratulated on his exceptional piece of writing. He creatively incorporated the five senses to build tension and used descriptive language to captivate his readers. 

Fantastic work, Harrison!


Ava Gray


Ava worked incredibly hard during our Reading sessions last week. When reading with her group, she showed concentration and determination. She was then able to discuss and answer questions about the text.  

Well done Ava, keep up the fantastic effort!