Principal's Report

Hello BRPS Community,
Education Week - Sun 14 May to Sat 20 May
Education Week is an annual celebration of education in Victoria.
This year’s theme is ‘Active Learners: Move, Make, Motivate’, which celebrates physical activity, hands-on learning and student voice in education.
There are many ways that students at Black Rock PS are involved as active learners, none more so than in our specialist classes which we are highlighting this week - Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Health and Physical Education, Science with Wilko & STEM and Adopt-an-Engineer. There are numerous examples of active learning outcomes in this newsletter, and thanks to Bec Long and Olivia Winfield in the Visual Arts team, Cath Linsdell-Edwards in Performing Arts and Wilko in Science for adding newsletters and activities celebrating active learning to the Education Week page in this newsletter. Thanks also to Steve Muller for continued support of active learning through all of the outstanding sports activities, events and opportunities available to our students.
Ellen Jose Student Reconciliation Awards 2023
The Ellen José Student Reconciliation Awards honour the life of Torres Strait Elder Ellen José. Ellen’s contribution to the arts and Bayside was outstanding and inspirational in raising awareness of reconciliation. Black Rock Primary School has had multiple finalists and award winners over the past few years. I would like to congratulate all 31 entrants as the standard was outstanding. I'm also pleased to announce that the following students have been selected as finalists this year:
Prep to Year 3 Category:
- Rosalie Pretty
Year 4-6 Category:
- Lua Capdeville-Davies
- Freddy Hope
- Mila Tehan
- Lola Fernandez
The finalists have been invited, along with their families, to participate in the presentation of the awards for the Ellen Jose Art Competition at the Bayside City Council's Flag Raising Ceremony on Saturday 27th May. Good luck!
House Cross Country
Congratulations to all of the students who participated in our House Cross Country yesterday. The weather was beautiful and the House Spirit was high. It was amazing to see students from Foundation through to Year 6 joining together in their Houses to cheer on fellow teammates. All students who completed the whole or part of the course should be incredibly proud of their efforts.
Thank you to Steve Muller for organising such a successful and well-run (pardon the pun) event. Thanks also to BRPS staff and parents who supervised and cheered our athletes on. Good luck to all students competing in the District Cross Country next Wednesday 24th May.
2023 Concert - "Lights Up!"
Attention all families of BRPS!
Get ready to be transported through time at our 2023 school concert, Lights Up!
Join us on a journey through an array of musical favourites and watch our students shine on stage. But beware, some of our students get lost in the music and may find themselves lost in time too. Will they be a fun-filled event for the whole family. Don’t miss out! Mark your calendars for the Lights Up! Concert and get ready for the whirlwind musical adventure.
Many thanks to teachers Cass Morgan (6M), Brittany Lazzarini-Pholi (2P) and Annabel Ellis (FE) for their drive and enthusiasm toward the production of this year's concert so far.
August 31st, 2023.
More information to come.
2023 Mother's Day Lunch
The Annual BRPS Mother's Day Lunch tradition was held on Friday 5th May at the Sandringham Yacht Club. It continued to be an amazing event and an outstanding opportunity for many of our Black Rock mums and special women to get together, build connections, laugh and celebrate.
Many thanks to the new organising team and the support crew, especially Karen Young, Laura Anderson and Amanda Paterson, who put their heart and soul into ensuring the lunch continued to the same high standards and celebratory atmosphere since its establishment several years ago by Kara Jeffers and Sam Rawlings.
Thanks also to Wilson Young for producing the video and Kristen Hilton for providing the heartfelt words for departing Assistant Principal, Jayne Timms.
As well as being a super social occasion, over $17,000 was raised to support the upgrade of our asphalt and sports court areas. The school is incredibly appreciative of our community's generosity and we look forward to sharing an update about the project soon.
2024 Foundation Enrolments
2024 Foundation enrolments are now open. We have held four successful so far this term. The next scheduled tour will take place next Thursday 25th May. If you are aware of any families that are seeking a school for next year please direct them to our website for information about these events and the enrolment process.
Sibling enrolments are now open, please contact the office for enrolment forms.
I hope you have a wonderful fortnight.
Sam Tyndall