Year 12 News

As we enter Term 2, I would like to acknowledge our wonderful Yr 12s.
39 Yr 12 students attended the 2023 Anzac Day Commemoration to show their respect and remember what our servicemen and women have done on our behalf and sacrificed.
Term 1 was massive in terms of fundraising with Yr 12 holding 4 BBQs and selling cupcakes- Valentine’s Day, St Patrick's Day, Harmony Day and the School Cross Country. Thankyou to all the students that helped sell items/food, cook the BBQ, make cupcakes and help set up/pack up. As part of their fundraising for Term 2, students will be wearing Jersey’s on ‘Fundraising Friday’, in 2 weeks they have generously donated close to $600, a fantastic effort Yr 12. All funds will be donated to their chosen charities at their Year 12 end of year assembly.
Today, Year 12 attended their Last Athletics Carnival, a great colourful display representing their house during the House Parade in front of the rest of the school. Great participation and fun was had by all students.
Renae Savage
Yr 12 Pastoral Leader