Curriculum News

Confirmation of Entries
Over the past few weeks I have met with all Year 10, 11 and 12 to check each of their Confirmation of Entries. A Confirmation of Entry is an official document from NESA outlining a students’ personal details, courses of study and nationality status. It is important that our records at the college reflect this. If there is any change of address or family circumstance, it is important that the college is informed and our records are up to date. Students also received information about how to register with NESA. Registering with NESA will enable students to check their details and courses. They can also access their RoSA results, if they leave school, as well as their HSC assessment ranks and final results. If your son or daughter has not yet activated their account, they will need to meet with me in the coming weeks.
Please note that the mobile number needs to be the students’ mobile number and the email address needs to be the students’ private email address, not their college email address. These can both be changed by the student once their account is activated.
Assessment Tasks
At this point in the term, all students will be receiving a number of tasks. It is important that the students begin these tasks early to enable time for them to ask questions, seek help if needed and submit drafts if allowed. The assessment schedules for all years is on the student portal in the drop down menu titled “Assessment due dates”.
A lot of time has been taken to ensure these tasks are spread out, as much as possible, for students. Students should use these schedules to plan ahead and keep up to date with their assessments.
HSC and Preliminary and Year 10 assessment tasks need to follow the NESA assessment policy guidelines. It is important that students are aware of the requirements around the writing, and the submission of tasks in stage 5 and 6. If these guidelines are not followed, students can be at risk of a non completion in a given course. Any students who are at risk of receiving a non completion will receive an official N award letter, outlining the work / task missed and what the student needs to do to rectify this.
Minimum Standards
Over the past week, all year 10 students have been completing Minimum Standards Tests in Reading, Writing and Numeracy. Practice Tests were held on Monday with students completing the actual tests on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
It is a NESA requirement for all students to attain the minimum standard in Reading, Writing and Numeracy in order to receive the Higher School Certificate.
Catch up times will be provided next week for those students who missed any of the tests. If any student misses any of the catch up times, they will need to wait till term 3 when I will provide another opportunity for them to meet the standard.
All My Own Work
HSC: All My Own Work is a program designed to help HSC students follow the principles and practices of good scholarship. This includes understanding, valuing and using ethical practices when locating and using information as part of their HSC studies.
Students who have completed the program will also know about penalties for cheating and how to avoid malpractice when preparing their work for assessment.
All year 10 students wishing to enrol in the preliminary course need to complete each of the following modules by the end of the year:
- Module one: Scholarship Principles and Practices
- Module Two: Acknowledging Sources
- Module three: Plagiarism
- Module four: Copyright
- Module five: Working with others
Year 10 homeroom teachers will be working with year 10 to have these completed this term.
Mr John Seers