Assistant Principal News

Assistant Principal Lora Segrave

As always, we have much to celebrate from the last few weeks! Our students and staff have  engaged and contributed to both our College and the wider community in a variety of ways.


Last week, we acknowledged our newly inducted Year 11 House Vice Captains. While they have already commenced their roles, it is important that their outstanding leadership skills and passion for their houses were acknowledged in front of the College community. Congratulations to the following students:

We also celebrated the involvement of our Year 11 students in the 2023 Wellbeing Committee. This group works to destigmatize mental health within our College community, while working with younger year groups regarding available supports and running sessions for Year 7 students for RU OK day and Stress down Day.

Our Year 10 Peer Support team was also acknowledged. This team worked with our new Year 7 students once a week for the duration of Term 1 to assist with their transition into high school. They have also supported our staff with the Year 6 students from our feeder schools in our transition program and have represented our College in numerous ways, an example of this is the 20  Peer support leaders not present at our assembly as they were attending a community ANZAC ceremony, further demonstrating their commitment and leadership within the College.


We are so proud of our Marian community and the way that our new leaders eagerly embody ‘The Way, The Truth, The Life’


Yours in Learning,


Lora Segrave

Assistant Principal