

The Maths Pathways teaching model has been in place at Mater Dei Catholic College for two years in Stage 4 and class 5.1 (Years 9 and 10) with the primary purposes of:

  • Accurately diagnosing where student are with their learning
  • Allowing students greater access to the curriculum
  • Providing a greater levels of support
  • Differentiating the curriculum
  • Enabling parents to access and monitor their child's learning

As part of our annual review, we are looking to receive some feedback from a parents perspective as to your experiences of the Maths Pathway teaching and learning model. Your responses will be used, in consultation with feedback from other key stakeholders, to shape how Mathematics is taught at the College. 


To provide feedback, please complete the survey that is accessible via the link below:



  1. Only parents with children using the program should complete
  2. You may have already completed this, and if so there is no need to complete this again.

Parent Feedback on Maths Pathway Teaching and Learning Model 



The Numeracy Stage 6 Content Endorsed Course is a new course introduced at Mater Dei Catholic College focused on the development and consolidation of core numeracy skills. These skills are developed through authentic and relevant learning scenarios such as budgeting, shopping, record and account keeping, and a range of real-life activities requiring numeracy.


The Numeracy Course supports students to develop the core numeracy skills required to become active and successful participants in society. When students become functionally numerate, they are able to manage a situation or solve a problem in everyday contexts. This course offered students at Mater Dei Catholic College the opportunity to prepare for post-school options including employment or further training.


We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the first graduating cohort of this course who have really applied themselves and taken the opportunities afforded to them. They have gained valuable knowledge and skills that will increase their confidence and allow them access to more opportunities post schooling.

Hamish Gilmore
Aiden Pedler
Joshua Hinchcliffe
Stephanie Haywood
Hamish Gilmore
Aiden Pedler
Joshua Hinchcliffe
Stephanie Haywood


Students in Stage 4 have demonstrated a remarkable ability to adapt to a new model of teaching and learning using Maths Pathway. As a result, the growth in students' knowledge, skills and understanding across the 2020 school year has been significant. Students have been able to demonstrate an ability to become more self directed learners, learn new routines, establish effective learning habits, develop a greater confidence in their ability to learn as well as to work more productively in teams. 


Some students in Year 7 and Year 8 have shared some of their thoughts about learning Mathematics in 2020.


Year 7

Maya Pert
Maya Pert

What has helped me learn best in Mathematics this Year?

“I get to have some control and direction in what I learn and when”.

“I enjoyed that the whole class was not learning the one thing”.


What do I look forward to next year?

To try to continue to develop my mathematical ability by focusing on growth. 



Bailey Figgis
Bailey Figgis

What has helped me learn best in Mathematics this Year?

“The thing that has helped me learn best is that my teacher has more time to provide help when I need it”. 

“The videos provide a platform for a better understanding”.


What do I look forward to next year?

“Challenge myself by attempting more difficult work”. 




Stella McGarry
Stella McGarry

What has helped me learn best in Mathematics this Year?

“I have enjoyed the freedom to choose what content I would like to work on’.

“Having a set structure of how my work is to be presented allows me to better organise my work”


What do I look forward to next year?

“Working with a different group of students next year”.



Kade Lyons
Kade Lyons

What has helped me learn best in Mathematics this Year?

“I like that there are a variety of modules available for me to access and that I get to learn at my own pace’.

“The test at the end of each cycle which gives me feedback on how I am going with my learning”.


What do I look forward to next year?

“Try to get through more challenging work next year to continue to develop my learning”




Year 8

Ava Moller
Ava Moller

What has helped me learn best in Mathematics this Year? 

“The videos have helped me learn because they explain the videos really well”.

“Having choice over what I learn, which has given me a sense of independence and ownership of my learning”.


What do I look forward to next year?

“Working more closely with my teacher when I am having difficulty”.


Jazzey Wallett
Jazzey Wallett

What has helped me learn best in Mathematics this Year?

“Having access to instructional videos when learning new concepts as they explain it quite well”.

“Talking with friends, and getting them to explain concepts that I am having difficulty with helps”.


What do I look forward to next year?

“Working in teams with my fellow classmates to receive a wider range of help”.


Chelsea Purcell
Chelsea Purcell


What has helped me learn best in Mathematics this Year?

“Being able to complete my own work at my own speed”.

“Having work that is set to the level of my understanding”.

“The videos are helpful as they allow you to access a source of help when you are having difficulty with the content”.


What do I look forward to next year?

“Working with the teacher on an individual basis or in small groups”.

“Being able to collaborate more with students who are working towards understanding the same content”.

Charlie Schneider
Charlie Schneider

What has helped me learn best in Mathematics this Year?

“Working at my own pace is good”.

“I enjoy that it is self driven and this therefore allows me to push myself to higher understandings”.


What do I look forward to next year?

“I am looking forward to working with even more challenging content next year”.

Having the ability to work collaboratively with a different set of students.



Mr Kurt McPherson | Mathematics KLA Leader