Student of the Week 

Term 4 Week 4

Congratulations to the following students who have received a 'Student of the Week' award. 


StudentRoomAwarded for
HalaFL10Participating in all areas of the curriculum and trying her hardest to improve on her work. Well done Hala!
Taylem1W6For settling in to Maramba Primary School so well and creating some great new friends.
Maryam1VT7For working hard and fixing excellent facts about echidnas.
Mika2P11Showing resilience and using his letter-sounds to write tricky words.
Simran2M12Building excellent relationships with class members by sharing her understanding and knowledge with others.
Gayatri3/4P14Her amazing big write narrative titled ‘The Blue Wolf’. Well Done Gayatri!
Eli3/4F16For actively participating in Guided Reading and writing an accurate account of all the facts in the book.
Edrees5M18Enthusiastically contributing to class discussions! Well done
Mitchell5R20Settling into Maramba with an enthusiastic and positive attitude.
Matilda6G2For coming back to school and joining in happily with our year 6 cohort.