Principal's Message

Dear Students, Parents, Carers and Families,




In four weeks’ time, we will be holding our final Curriculum Day for the year. As a staff we will be further developing our Discovery (Inquiry) Curriculum in preparation for 2021. 


Our outside school hours program, will be running a whole day program for families who still require the service. Please go their website to ensure you book in advance.




Year 1s & 2s have been very busy learning lots of things about the Past, Present and Future. This week they were lucky enough to have a talk with Rod about his awesome cars. He spoke with the children about his 2018 Ford Mustang and his 1964 Austin Healey Sprite. Rod is actually Mrs Wells husband and organised the presentation. The students learnt all about the Austin Healey Sprite and how Rod began restoring the car himself when he was 18 and married Mrs Wells when they were 27. Rod talked to the students about how different the cars are. 


The Austin Healey doesn’t have air bags, safety features, ABS breaking, stereo or heating or cooling. The children were fascinated to hear that in 1964 seat belts were not mandatory and so it was built without them. In addition, the Ford Mustang has an electric roof, four seats not two and a decent boot to store your bags. 


The children asked many questions, like: 

  • What the badges on the grill of the Austin Healey were for?
  • Where are the door handles on the Austin Healey?
  • Why are the bumper bars so different now?
  • Why can you see the engine on the red car but the engine on the blue car is hidden?


The children were very excited to get to sit inside the cars and see how different they were. It was a great experience for all and sparked many interesting conversations comparing vehicles in the past compared to present day.




Well done to our school community for celebrating Book Week by coming to school dressed as their favourite book character! There were so many great costumes. It is pleasing to see that our children’s enthusiasm and love of reading has created 'Curious Creatures and Wild Minds' of imagination and endless possibilities! 


Thank you to the staff for immersing themselves in the enjoyment of books to come dressed as their favourite books characters too. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to have parents and cares onsite this year to help us celebrate and enjoy the Book Week Parade but there are few photos in the newsletter to share the fun everyone had!


Famous Quotes
“Fill your house with stacks of books, in all the crannies and all the nooks.” – Dr Seuss
“There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island.”– Walt Disney
“If you don’t like to read, you haven’t found the right book.”– J.K. Rowling


Congratulations to everyone and well done to the students who won the best dressed character costume and a $20 book voucher prize this year as selected by the School Captains and class teachers:


Foundation - Mason, Year 1 - Luke, Year 2 - Leo. B, Year 3 - Celeste, Year 4 - Macey, Year 5 - Elijah, Year 6 - Tehora, Francis and Lebas, Staff member - Mrs Wells and Mrs Lazer

Leo, Luke and Mason
Tehora, Francis and Lebas
Mrs Wells and Mrs Lazer
Leo, Luke and Mason
Tehora, Francis and Lebas
Mrs Wells and Mrs Lazer


Awesome effort everyone. Thank you for having fun and loving books!


Take care and stay safe.


Kind regards,


Darren Wallace
