Sector News

The Ethnic Communities' Council of Victoria Pre- Budget Submission
ECCV are calling for the development of a new Multicultural Strategy for Victoria and recommending more than $150 million be allocated in May’s State Budget as part of a broader extension of the Victorian Government’s approach to engagement with migrant and refugee communities.
ECCV are recommending the State Government inc rease their investment into multicultural services… and copy their recs below and article
Cohealth Community Mental Health Session
cohealth are hosting a community led discussion and are keen to speak with people who are working hard to support the mental health needs of this community.
- Where: Games Room, North Melbourne Community Centre 49/53 Buncle Street
- When: Thursday, February 25 1.30pm - 3.30pm
- Contact: 0427 311 789
Centre for Multicultural Youth - 2021 Youth Volunteer Application
Deadline Extended Until Sunday
The Youth Leadership team is currently on the lookout for passionate, energetic youth volunteers to be involved in a number of our programs for 2021 (Envision, YAG, Shout Out, Reverb, Welcome Sports, and the Mental Health Literacy Project).
Job Opportunities for young people with Cohealth
Are you aged 18-24 years and interested in joining other young people in processing and assessing VicHealth grant applications?
Not only will you be paid for your time and provided with the training you need to do the work, you’ll be supporting VicHealth to deliver it’s important work in improving the health and wellbeing of the Victorian community.
If you are interested, you will need to:
- have access to your own computer and the internet as all the processing and assessing is done remotely online•
- be available for 2-5 days a week for up to a month from 8 March until late April 2021.
Please call Maya Rivis at VicHealth on 9667 1339 or email to talk about this opportunity and get information about applying.
Women with Disabilities Victoria Youth Engagement Survey
want to hear from you if you are a 15-25 year old who identifies as a girl/woman (cis or trans), trans man, non-binary, or gender diverse person who:
- lives with disability
- is Deaf / deaf / hard of hearing
- lives with chronic illness and/or pain
- is neurodiverse, and/or
- lives with mental health challenges.
WDV wants to share information, opportunities, events, programs, and stories with you. The aim of this survey is for WDV to learn the best way to share this information with you and to learn how you like to share such information with others.
RMIT Pathway Tool
The RMIT's Pathway Tool is a great resource for aspiring students. Explore your study options through individual or packaged pathways, to reach your study goals.
Choose one of the areas of interest to view your course options and their pathways.
Aboriginal Youth Engagement Grants
Aboriginal Youth Engagement Grants - Up to $50,000 is available for programs supporting Aboriginal young people to connect to community and culture as part of Victoria’s COVID-19 recovery.
- $1-$50,000
- Available to:
- Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations
- Aborginal organisations
- Aboriginal-led community, not-for-profits or peak community bodies
Open until 11:59pm Monday 15 March
Child protection in the time of COVID-19
The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare have published a new report; Child Protection in the time of #Covid-19 containing interesting insights for carers, teachers, welfare professionals and youth workers
VET/VCAL Workforce Reform Program - Scholarships for VCAL teachers
On 8 October 2019, the Victorian Government approved $26.2 million to support a range of projects aimed at increasing the supply and quality of teachers specialising in Vocational Education and Training (VET) and the delivery of the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) for senior secondary school students (i.e. students in Years 11 and 12).
A new Scholarship Program provides opportunities for 100 current and aspiring VCAL teachers in Government schools to undertake Deakin University's Graduate Certificate of Applied Learning and Teaching.
This one-year, fully online program will allow participants to explore a variety of teaching styles, strategies, and to develop valuable networks with like-minded teachers from across Victoria.
Why TAFE is Critical to Economic Recovery
New research by the Centre for Future Work at the Australia Institute explores the economic and social benefits of the public TAFE system and this webinar will address why it must play a critical role in reconstruction of the national economy after COVID-19.
The Young Carer Advocacy Project
The Young Carer Advocacy Project is providing Young Carers with a platform to influence their community and create policy change to embed support for Young Carers within the Australian society.
As a Young Carer aged 15-24, you will have the opportunity to participate in a focus group session and contribute to the research and development of a policy report. This report will guide the Australian Government on how Young Carers can be better supported within Australian society.
Map Your Future
Map Your Future is a free online program for disabled young people by YDAS.
Watch this 3 minute video to learn more about Map Your Future.
The topics for the Map Your Future online program include:
Topic 1 - Disability Pride
Topic 2 - Joining the NDIS
Topic 3 - Getting NDIS Support
Topic 4 - Setting Goals
Topic 5 - Making your own choices
Topic 6 - Speaking up and advocacy
Topic 7 - Self - care