City LLEN & SWL News and Updates

School – Community Engagement Update – Andrew Smith
Since resuming work at the beginning of February it has been an absolute pleasure getting out to visit most of the schools within the City of Melbourne to discuss their plans for 2021.
The CityLLEN looks forward to supporting these schools in a range of career development activities during the year, including facilitating industry visits, arranging guest speakers, organising career workshops, engaging in mock job interviews and much more. We are continuing to offer support to the diverse range of VCAL & VET programs offered in our schools, as well as supporting teachers and other staff through facilitating regular Flexi Schools Network meetings.
It has also been fantastic to reconvene our regular meetings of community agencies, University High School and Carlton PS to discuss ways of supporting students and their families that reside on the Carlton Public Housing Estate to both successfully transition to secondary school and to enjoy academic success throughout their schooling and develop meaningful pathways into further education, training and employment.
If you would like further information on any of these programs please contact Andrew Smith at
“Wendy Dalkiran, the City LLEN Workplace Learning Coordinator and Andrew Smith, the City LLEN School - Community Engagement Officer, visiting Hester Hornbrook Academy’s new holistically designed Sunshine campus, a beautiful and inspiring learning space for both students and educators.”
Hester Hornbrrok has an open day on the Wednesday 24 March for more information:
Structured Workplace Learning Update - Wendy Dalkiran
The start of Term 1 2021 has seen City LLEN employers more positive in regards to wanting to open up SWL conversations for 2021 however, after a tumultuous year for many, employers are still treading cautiously. The good news is that most employers, who’s businesses have survived 2020, are ready and willing to considering offering SWL opportunities from Term 2 2021 onwards.
The City LLEN Workplace Learning Coordinator has also been going out to meet with employers & schools to start pre-planning for 2021 SWL opportunities as well as Industry tour opportunities, shortly Wendy will be meeting with student individually to further discuss and tailor SWL preferences and options. It’s been exciting being able to meet face to face again and definitely more engaging, if your school has not yet met with Wendy please do so to get the SWL ball rolling.
In the mean time please check the SWL Portal for SWL opportunities and keep up eye out in the coming weeks for new opportunities.
Please contact Wendy Dalkiran, the City LLEN Workplace Learning Coordinator for more information.