Years Three/Four News

Welcome Back!

The Year Three/Four team would like to welcome all of our families back to school for the 2021 school year. The students need to be congratulated on the way they have started the new year, with students working together to create classroom agreements and establishing classroom routines. We are so excited for the amazing learning that will occur across the classrooms this year!


The beginning of the year brings students learning about the expectations of their new classrooms. In Reading we have been creating anchor charts to support our mini-lessons on the routines of the Reader's Workshop. In Writing we have also been developing the Writer's Workshop routines and students are beginning to learn about writing seeds and how they can grow into writing ideas. A highlight already has been the creation of student's "Personal Schema" which is a booklet describing people, places and events that are important to the students. During Numeracy we have been consolidating and expanding our Place Value knowledge.


In the coming weeks we will be learning about Cybersafety. This is especially important as the Year Three students move into the 1:1 iPad program. All families have received a copy of the iPad agreement so now may be a good time to revisit that with the students so that they know what the iPad expectations are at school. If you have not yet signed and returned the iPad agreement, please send it to school as soon as possible.