School Council Update

A reflection from a parent and School Council member who has recently moved on to secondary school...

With the past School Council meeting, I am now officially a SKiPPS (parent) alumni. 


I want to take this last opportunity to talk to all parents and carers to reflect on how special this school is. I still remember the day when I had the school tour 7 years ago. I saw the mural with the pirate on the outer wall and thought to myself: ’a school with a pirate must be a great school’. I was so right.


It is a great school because of Neil and Michelle and their leadership even when sailing on uncharted seas last year.


It is great because of our outstanding teachers and all staff: you guys rock!


But it’s special because of the community around it, and you all make it and contribute to it by participating.


On the last day of school last year, I went to a BBQ organised by some parents leaving the school.  After dinner, we went around the table to share our thoughts about SKiPPS. Half of the parents said: “I wish I’d given more to the school, I wish I had helped more and been more active”. Too late, mate. 


But that stuck in my head, and I want to mention it, so you won’t be in the same situation in due time. SKiPPS gives plenty of opportunities to help, according to your own passions, your expertise, the time you can dedicate. 


There is SKiPPA – the parents association – driving a lot of community bonding initiatives throughout the year. There are the sub-committees, where you can spare a few hours a month to physically build things (Building and Grounds) or focus on education, the environment, you choose.


There’s a school orchestra driven by parents for the children. How cool is to give our children the possibility of being part of an orchestra, even with no musical knowledge!


So, think about it next time you see a call for helpers. It all starts with giving just 30 minutes to flip hamburgers and meet a parent from a different year.


Ciao for now,

Robbie Cappuccio

School Councillor