Our 2021 Annual Implementation Plan

Identifying our key work for the year

At our School Council meeting last week, we approved our 2021 Annual Implementation Plan. his document is our 'playbook' for the year - outlining the key targets and actions we will be taking to make our great school even better.


Our plan this year is based around three core priorities;

  • Learning, catch-up and extension priority 
  • Happy, active and healthy kids priority
  • Connected schools priority

For each of these priorities we have identified a handful of actions that we believe will allow us to improve every child's time at our school.


The tables below set out our intended actions for 2021;


Each month at our Education sub-committee meetings (which all community members are welcome to attend), we provide a review and update of the AIP and how we are proceeding with these actions. This is then discussed as the central part of each School Council meeting.


We would welcome any thoughts, questions or feedback on the document via email to neil.scott@education.vic.gov.au 


The full AIP document can be read on our website at http://www.skipps.vic.edu.au/assets/uploads/2021/02/St-Kilda-Park-Primary-School-2460-2021-AIP-Overall.pdf