Focus on Learning

Stage 3 - Mrs Sharnie Meade 

Mathematics in the 5/6 Classroom: 

Last fortnight Year 5/6 was learning about integers; a mathematical term that encompasses both positive and negative numbers.  From this, students investigated temperatures from all around the world and determined the coldest and warmest places to live. 


We then expanded on this learning and applied our knowledge to the Cartesian Plane.  For this, students worked under our COLA to create a life size Cartesian Plane, and plot points on it.  See below for some photos; a great example of hands on learning! 

Our life size Cartesian Plane
Students standing at points on the Cartesian Plane
Our life size Cartesian Plane
Students standing at points on the Cartesian Plane


As a culmination of our learning, students created their own designs, using the Cartesian Plane and wrote a set of instructions for a classmate to complete.  The mathematical terminology, skills and imagination shown in the task was fantastic to see! 

Living Well, Learning Well in Stage 3 

Students in the Stage 3 Classroom have had the opportunity to brainstorm what being safe, valued, and a learner mean to them as a student at St Joey's.  As a result, we have been able to create and implement a set of Classroom Expectations about behaviours in the classroom.  See some photos below of the students hard at work, creating their Expectations. 



Each week, on Friday, students have the opportunity to voice their thoughts, feelings and possible concerns in an online survey.  Mrs Meade loves the valuable feedback given. Thank you Stage 3 for taking the time to complete this survey each week!! 


Every Monday the Stage 3 Students have a meeting with Mrs Long to discuss any issues or concerns raised in the survey or throughout the week.  The students look forward to sharing their ideas and solutions and are relishing in this leadership opportunity.  


Great work Living Well and Learning Well, Stage 3!