and Sport


As some of you may be aware, Campaspe Shire Council is undertaking one of its biggest engagement projects ever. 


Please see the posters below.


On the poster there are two QR codes.

  • The first directs you to a video of Council’s Mayor Cr Weller, who briefly explains the purpose of this process. 
  • The second QR code take you to the actual survey.


The second attachment is a copy of the half page advertisement that lists the various community sessions being held across Campaspe Shire.




Jessica Cox Tutoring (JCT)


I have recently moved to Moama after teaching in Castlemaine for the past 5 years. There I taught grade 5/6 students at Castlemaine Primary School. I was also a member of the schools Consultative Committee and the Physical Education Coordinator across all grades. My philosophy is that success in the classroom occurs once strong and trusting relationships are built between students, teachers and families. Learning often happens outside the comfort zone, where students need to feel safe enough to fail and confident enough to try again. JCT offers families 1:1 support outside the classroom. We help to build students' confidence by experiencing feelings of success and reaching both achievable and realistic goals. 


·         1:1 assistance from Foundation to year 8

·         Mathematics, Reading, Writing and Spelling

·         After school sessions vary in length to suit your child (30min, 45min or 1 hour)

·         Pricing available upon inquiry