
Term 2 Commences
| Monday 19 April
The first day of Term 2 for all students is Monday 19 April. All students are expected to be present for the start of the school term.
Year 10 Immunisations
| Tuesday 20 April
Year 10 Immunisations will take place at school on Tuesday 20 April. Students are to follow instructions on the day to ensure they receive their immunisation.
IB Parent Information Evening
| Tuesday 4 May
Tuesday 4 May will be the International Baccalaureate information session for 2022. Further details will be available on compass.
Year 9 Naplan
| Tuesday 11 - Friday 21 May
Year 9 Students will be doing their Naplan tests during this period. Normal class may be interrupted.
| Wednesday 9 June
All students undertaking a VCE Unit 3/4 subject will need to sit the GAT on Wednesday 9 June.
Curriculum Day
| Wednesday 9 June
Wednesday 9 June is a curriculum day, those students not sitting the GAT will not be expected at school.
Queens Birthday Public Holiday
| Monday 14 June
Monday 14 June is the Labour Day Public Holiday. Please be aware that the school will be closed on this day and that no students are expected to attend.
Year 12 Formal
| Friday 25 June
The year 12 formal has been set for Friday 25 June. More details to follow on Compass.
Term 2 Concludes
| Friday 25 June
The last day of the Term 2 for all students is Friday 25 June.
School Fete
| Friday 26 November
As part of our 10th Anniversary Celebrations we will be holding a Community Fete on Friday 26 November from 1pm to 8pm. Please mark the date in your calendars, we are inviting all past and present members of the school community as well as members of the local community to come and celebrate this important milestone with us.
Stay up to date!
Keep up to date with the latest news between newsletters on the Suzanne Cory Facebook page! Make sure you like and follow for image galleries, student achievements, event announcements, videos, and more!
Follow Suzanne Cory on Instagram to see the best event photographs from student and staff photographers.