Achievements & Results

Athletics Carnival
On February 25th we had the whole school Athletics Carnival at the VU athletics track. The students were super pumped and the house spirit continued from the swimming carnival to make the atmosphere at the track outstanding. The weather gods listened and gave us perfect conditions for the day. This year there was the addition of novelty races including the egg and spoon and three legged race, these were a hit for students and quite entertaining to watch. The continuous relay once again got students involved as well as all the action of the track and field events. There were some very fast runners, a mention has to go to Gyan in year 11 who ran 11.19 for the 100m.
The houses put a lot of effort into their costumes and the chants keep getting better and louder at each event. Well done to Cottrell for winning the fashions and Blackwood the house chant. Overall congratulations need to go to Kororoit for keeping their athletics winning streak alive and winning the 2021 cup.
Below are the 2021 year level champions, a big congratulations to them for their contributions to their house.
Year 9 Female | Ksneia Yarshevich |
Year 9 Male | Huzaifa Imran |
Year 10 Female | Abhinandana Jayam |
Year 10 Male | Anhad Singh |
Year 11 Female | Premika Thaneswaran |
Year 11 Male | Sumedh Shivananda |
Year 12 Female | Tra-Mi Gilmore |
Year 12 Male | Yusuf Zahran |
Ms Claire Breed, Director of Sport and Student Engagement.
District Swimming Carnival
On Monday the 22nd of February, we attended the District Swimming Carnival held at the Werribee Outdoor Pool. After training hard over the summer and testing our fitness at the school swimming carnival, we were excited to compete against other schools from our area for the chance to progress through to the Western Metropolitan Regionals (being held in late March). This year we were well represented with a large number of our junior and VCE students coming out to race! The day started with breaststroke heats followed by freestyle, backstroke, team freestyle relays and finished with team medleys. Overall, it was great to see students from all year levels (14 years - 18 years) coming together for a fun day.
On the day a few athletes stood out from the rest with Matthew Young (16-year Boys) and Stella Soesanto (17-year Girls) claiming multiple district records and walking way with a number of first-place finishes. Also, a huge congratulations to all of the freestyle relay and medley relay participants for breaking multiple district records and claiming numerous wins! Great job everyone.
Nathan Rhodes, Year 11 K5.
Wyndham Division Intermediate and Senior Baseball Tournaments
As always, interschool sport kicked off for the year with baseball, and this year, both the intermediate and senior teams had to play first round tournaments, and on the same day, on Friday, February 12th. The teams had been training hard every lunchtime leading up to the day and determined to make it through to the regional finals.
Before the games had even started, the teams were struck down with some unfortunate injuries, with senior centre fielder Vansh and star intermediate infielder Noah ruled out, and senior relief pitcher Karan also unavailable. As the senior game started, a hard hit ball deflected straight at Yuvi, who was running the bases, which saw him out for the rest of the game. However, both teams pulled together under the steady leadership of our captains, Tyler and Aaron.
The seniors were up against an experienced Manor Lakes team, but as soon as Tyler started pitching, Manor Lakes knew they were in trouble. His fastballs whizzed past the hitters into catcher Oscar’s dependable glove. The few hitters who reached base were held from stealing by Oscar’s shutting down the running game. Jash used his height to catch the groundouts at first, Nehchal and Joel showed the understanding of a long partnership working together at second and shortstop, and Raheeq expertly covered third base. Zarrar came in to take over at second later in the game without the fielders missing a beat. The few balls which made it into the outfield were scooped up, with Arnav running in for a beautiful catch in shallow right. Even with the loss of Vansh and Yuvi, the depth of the outfield, with Paarth, Arnav, Joeline and Zorawar still available, was on full display.
At the plate Joel started the offense with a smash into centrefield and Tyler delivered some big hits. Arnav and Paarth had strong at-bats, building on the score line, and Zorawar, in his first game of baseball, worked the counts full in his patient at-bats and ended up on base each time. Joeline was very unlucky to get a called strike three on a pitch barely painting the corner of the zone. After Tyler had pitched his regulation innings, Rithin took the mound and Manor Lakes knew there would be no respite, as he found the zone and continued to tally up the strikeouts. Suzanne Cory comfortably took the game 9-2. Back-up catcher Amey was invaluable in helping warm up the pitchers and fielders.
Many of the intermediate players were taking the baseball field for the first time, and had to contend with many club players in the Manor Lakes inter team, as well as playing The Grange in a second game. However, with experienced catcher Jordan behind the plate and Aaron’s splendid fielding and understanding of the game at first base, the team had a very strong foundation. Jordan prevented many runners from scoring with his rapid tags at homeplate. The outfield proved very strong, with great plays from Sathwik, Bibidh, Yadveer and Matthew M. The infielders had been practicing very hard, and this showed through, with Jaidyn and Rudra doing an incredible job covering second and shortstop and Min Jin and Adam ably substituting for Noah at third. Our only Year 9 representative, Srikar, started each game on the mound and pitched some very solid innings. He was very quick to cover home and first when needed and expertly fielded short hit balls. Bibidh, Rudra and Anhad also took the mound in relief. At the plate the team particularly shone. Rudra, Jordan, Bib and Jaidyn led the way with some strong hits and each hitter had carefully practiced working the count, drawing walks and running on strike three. Once hitters reached, our base stealing was magnificent! Several players even stole home.
Nevertheless, Manor Lakes was a strong opponent, with a highly experienced battery and middle of the order hitting. However, once their starting pitcher was replaced, Suzanne Cory quickly erased the 1-7 deficit, coming back to tie the game in the third. Despite SCHS giving up some runs in the top of the fourth, Sathwik made a stunning catch in left field to end the Manor Lakes inning and the hitters did the rest, pulling back the runs and, on two outs, scoring a walk-off 13th run to take the game 13-12. After Manor Lakes, The Grange was a relatively straightforward task, with the SCHS hitters hammering their pitching and stealing bases freely on their way to a big win.
Special thank yous to parent Mr Ian Mitchell for doing a wonderful job coaching and supporting the intermediate team and PE Faculty Leader Mr Sam Yang for convening the tournament, scoring games, first aiding and overall being of invaluable assistance. Also thank you to the senior players who gave up their time and patience to coach and help the intermediate team, particularly Paarth, Vansh, Tyler and Oscar.
Now it’s on to the Western Metropolitan Regional Finals in May!
Ms Raquel Fenby, Baseball Teams Manager.
Lawn Bowls Victory
On Monday 15th March we set out for a fun social match of Lawn Bowls at the WMR tournament. In the bus it occurred to me that even though all the students had minimal experience playing lawn bowls they were determined to do well! Bishoy had watched a few YouTube clips the night before in preparation for the day, which led to a very serious discussion about the BIOMECHANICS of LAWN BOWLS and techniques they could use to improve their performance. Once arriving at the Werribee Bowls Club, all 12 students eagerly headed to the greens, discussing the correct stance on the mat to ensure a balanced delivery and how to hold the bowl to ensure it is not delivered on the wrong bias. They then began discussing the angle of release and linear velocities required to maximise their chances of getting the bowl close to the kitty! It was then I relised we were in for a chance to win the tournament!
There were 6 pools, 24 teams. We had 4 teams competing in triples. Lachlan Setina, Henry Ye and Sharveshvar Sivakumar made it into the Semi and Grand Final and they managed to WIN by 1 shot! The cheering and celebrations which erupted, anyone would think they had won Gold at the Commonwealth Games! Some students stated, ‘they never knew lawn bowls could be so exhilarating’ and ‘this is more pressure than VCE exams!’ They were respectful, displayed great sportsmanship and the encouragement provided by their fellow peers was wonderful. A day I am sure the students will remember.
They will be heading to the State Lawn Bowls Final on the 28th April, held at Deer Park Bowls Club. Parents/families are welcome to come and support them.
Ms Guastella, Proud Lawn Bowls Coach!
WMR Tennis Recount
On Wednesday 3rd of March, the Suzanne Cory tennis team travelled to Saltwater Reserve Tennis Centre to take part in the interschool tennis competition. In the chilly morning air and with the nerves settling in, the year 9 and 10 students set foot on the courts, ready to play a full day of tennis.
Almost all our matches went in our favour, with amazing tennis and great sportsmanship from across the board. We all had our moments on court – whether it be acing our serves, fighting hard against tough opponents, or working together as a team to be the best possible players to represent our school. After all our combined effort, determination, and skill, we finished up with the highest game score of the four teams, putting both our boys’ and girls’ teams in first place.
Overall, it was a great experience for me and my team, not just to have fun and become more acquainted with each other. I also know that we all cannot wait to represent Suzanne Cory and take us to the next round, where we will come back with another victory!
Supriya Polamraju, Year 9 B9.
Intermediate Volleyball
On the 18th of March, the intermediate boys and girls team participated in the inter school volleyball tournament. The girls team had 3 games in their pool and managed to fight ferociously and earn a hard-fought win. The boys team won their pool comfortably, before moving onto the semi-final against Good News Lutheran College. They won in straight sets before beating Tarneit Senior College in a tough battle and leaving Eagle stadium as champions. The day was fun, allowing all of us to show all the skills we had learnt from the school's volleyball club. It was an exciting day and everyone had a great time. We can’t wait to see what happens at regionals.
Aryius Alves, Year 10 B1.