Parent News

Community Fete
As part of our 10th Anniversary Celebrations we will be holding a Community Fete on Friday 26 November from 1pm to 8pm. Please mark the date in your calendars, we are inviting all past and present members of the school community as well as members of the local community to come and celebrate this important milestone with us.
Our students will all participate in these celebrations throughout the year, including setting up and running homegroup stalls on the day which will be a mixture of carnival type games and food stalls. At this stage they are seeking feedback from parents, students and the wider community about what you would like to see on the day. They have created a short google survey to collect your feedback
Martha Goodridge-Kelly, Assistant Principal & Shawn Le, Year 12 C8 on behalf of the stalls planning committee.
Western Chances Scholarship
Western Chances provides scholarships for talented students living in the Western Suburbs who have faced financial hardship. On Thursday 11 March, new Western Chances students attended the Scholarship Ceremony, recognising their efforts and celebrating their success.
I was very honoured to receive the Helen Worladge Award in recognition of my role as Nominator for Suzanne Cory High School.
New scholarship applications will open in July. Please check the Compass Bulletin regularly for scholarship opportunities and updates.
Brendan Taig, Careers Practitioner.
Year 12 University Applications
In Term 3, Year 12 students will apply for university courses across Victoria, using the VTAC Application System. Students are already considering their future study and career options, with all Year 12 students being invited to 1-on-1 appointments in Term 1 and 2. Students will also be supported to create their VTAC application through the school SECC program. This Term in SECC, students learnt about the Special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS).
Some resources that will support students as they make their applications are:
- VTAC Course Search: find course options across all universities
- Job Outlook: view government statistics for different occupations
- Myfuture: create a free account and complete career quizzes to consider you career options
- SCHS Appointment Booking System: book an appointment to discuss careers with Mr Taig
Brendan Taig, Careers Practitioner.
Labelling of Personal Property
Please ensure when students arrive back at school, that all their personal belongings are labelled clearly with their full names. Unfortunately a lot of lost property has been handed in during Term 1, which can not be returned to their owners. Below is an example of the items collected at reception during the last two weeks of term.