Student News

Starlight Foundation Bake Sale
A group of year 10 students recently organised and ran a bake sale for the Starlight Foundation. They work towards making many families’ journey in the hospital less stressful, as well as providing a distraction from the day to day. Reflecting upon the bake sale and musical performances held on Monday, 1st of March-it was a huge success! Many hardworking, dedicated students and staff members transformed this great event from a small idea into a reality. Thank you so much to everyone involved!
Claire Wong, Year 10 R3 & Manya Arya, Year 10 R9.
High Notes! from the Music Department
Greeting to all community members as we move to the end of what has been a rewarding and challenging term all at the same time. I say this because it was a year ago that we first encountered the lockdown situation that forever changed our perception of what education was and how we could function in it. Last week, we held our Soiree Series 1, the first live concert event since this same event was cancelled one year ago. It is interesting to contemplate how much has transpired since this milestone event last year and it was really good for me personally to take stock of this and appreciate all that we can now celebrate as our Soiree series 1 2021 was taking place. It was a great feeling indeed.
All programs here in the Music department have commenced this year. All large ensembles including Orchestra thorough to Drumline have made successful starts and will look forward to presenting concert pieces at upcoming music events in Term two. Likewise, our classroom programs have made successful start and students are busy rehearsing and composing in class. The instrumental program has resumed full practice and it is still not too late for interested students to register for instrumental tuition for term two. Information for all instrumental areas and how to access tuition along with fees and conditions are available on our School website. If you are thinking about learning an instrument or wish to reconnect with an instrument you used to learn, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.
As well as getting back to some form of normalcy, we have returned to live performances. It was great to watch our students of all year levels participate in Open Mic over the term. These student lead performances feature the students of the School performing in their own categories and formats. It is a terrific vehicle for student self-expression and great part of our school. Students can nominate to perform through the Music Captains when calls for and expression of interest are made on Compass.
On Monday, March 15 the School was treated to our first live concert in over a year. The Soiree Series 1 was held in the Agora to any and parent friends and family. For just over two hours the audience were treated to the fantastic work of our students and their Instrumental Music Teachers in solo and small group formats. Performers were from all year levels, genres and idioms and levels of experience. For some this was their first performance experience and for others, it was a test of their new repertoire towards their VCE Music Performance assessments. All students and their teachers acquitted themselves with aplomb and their performances were well received by all in attendance. I would like to thank the students who performed, their teachers and Mr Mulcahy for his invaluable assistance on the night.
Mr Paye, Director of Music.
Year 9 Primus Program
In the first three weeks of the year, the year 9 students participated in the Primus Program to ease their transition into the school.
They competed for house points in the Westgate Sports day, Scavenger Hunt around the school, and the Build a Bridge competition using only straws and tape.
They also attended lessons based on growth mindset and academic expectations to help get them ready for the year ahead.
In week three they went to the city and went on a Wellbeing Walk in the Botanical gardens, tried Rock climbing and competed for more house points in the Amazing Race.
At the end of the program each homegroup produced a Poster based on an area of academic interest (ie. Motivation, Memory and Time Management). These posters went on display for the ‘Meet the Teachers’ evening on Tuesday 2 March.
All of the year 9s should be proud of their achievements during their transition period into the school.
Mr Moden.
Year 9 Camp
In Week 8, the year 9 students went to the Phillip Island Adventure Resort for three days to continue their transition to the school.
They consolidated their new friendships and built connectedness through activities such as the Team Rescue, Twin Flying Fox, Canoeing, Raftmaking, Laser Tag and Crate Climb. They also went for walks to Smiths beach and the Koala Conservation Centre.
A big thanks to the teachers who came to support the students on camp.
Mr Moden and Ms Favero.
Wellbeing News
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club (BC) has just finished up for this Term and I am happy to report we now have many student volunteers who continue to support this program by volunteering their time and energy every week. Thanks to all those and a special mention and thanks go to Esha Bhatia, Year 12 B5, Simmy Agharia, Year 12 C6 and Cindy Chen, Year 12 C2 who have been appointed as BC Student Supervisors. They have been very helpful in organising volunteers into a roster system, supervising the operation as well as training the students in order to help with the smooth running of this program.
In addition, we would like to thank the Department of Education and Training (DET) who help support this program through their initiative called ‘School Breakfast Club Program’ with Foodbank Victoria who help provide some of the food items.
From next term, we will be looking to add fresh fruits and mini carrots in order to add more healthier items for the students during BC.
Also, remember to come and say ‘Hi’ to Tessa, our BC Therapy Canine Ambassador who is only happy to greet every student with an enthusiastic wag of the tail and ready to be doted on at anytime.
Of course, we don’t want to forget about our other Therapy dogs who are just as important, Zaija, Arlo, Opal and Yoda.
Wellness Hub:
We are currently in the process of developing an all new ‘Wellbeing Hub’ where you can book appointments (for wellbeing, careers or academic counselling), get updates about the latest information related to mental and physical health, academic skills, wellness resources and contact information, and information on our therapy dogs. We are working to launch this site at the beginning of next Term so watch this space and we will provide more updates. We want to thank Ms Ruble Sra (IT Manager) for helping to set this up for us.
Student Support Services (SSS) Team: bookings can be made under Compass:
Bec Cavanagh (SSS Manager) –
Pat Cavanagh (Mental Health Practitioner) –
Lina Paye (Academic Advisor) –
Brendan Taig (Careers Practitioner) –
Ms L Paye, Academic Advisor.