Principal's Report

Term 1 Reflection
As Term 1 concludes, we have the opportunity to reflect on both the successes of the term and how far we have come since my 2020 Term 1 report! The excitement of returning to school at the beginning of this year was palpable. The prospect of being onsite for the long haul was welcome after the disruptions of 2020. Not even a brief lockdown could dampen the enthusiasm.
First term, has been, like the majority of the last ten, incredibly busy. The year started a week early for our new Year 9 students with a special orientation session before the long weekend. This was as a result of the delayed Year 9 enrolment process in 2020. Less than a week later, the year began with the sounds of nervous and enthusiastic new students gracing our ‘corridors’; or should I say vast open spaces!? However, one small change to the start of the year was the opportunity to have a birthday party; for the school. Ten years ago, the first cohort of students began at the school and much has been achieved since that auspicious start. And like any birthday party there was cake; enough for all 912 students and 70 staff! There will be several celebratory events throughout the year.
With the singing of happy birthday, led by the Chorale, the school song and the consumption of birthday cake, the standard calendar of events began. House swimming sports, House athletics and a multitude of other house activities were all completed. The Houses have even begun rehearsing for Chorals. The House system remains a vital part of the culture of the school and the main vehicle for delivering wellbeing to our students.
Our new students, mostly Year 9s, have transitioned effectively into the school. The Year 9 Primus Program continues to provide the best means to induct our new students into the school. And of course, the Year 9 camp is both fun and purposeful in creating connections. The fact that the current Year 10 students missed out on their camp last year has also been foremost on our minds and we have secured a location and time for a Year 10 camp that will be conducted in July.
The VCE students have started the year well and continue to be heavily engaged in the whole school program. This is a message and that we consistently communicate throughout the enrolment process and a student’s time at the school. We make it quite clear that when you enrol in Suzanne Cory High School you are committing to participation in the whole school program. The ideal of the ‘Renaissance person’ is not just for advertising purposes.
This will be my last newsletter for the year. I begin my leave of absence to take up the position of President of the Victorian Association of State Secondary Principals at the end of this term. I know that the school will be in more than capable hands with Ms Martha Goodridge-Kelly as the Acting Principal. The strength of our school is that our culture is embedded in everything that we do. I look forward to seeing you at major events throughout the year and wish you all the best.
Colin Axup
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