Dear Parents and members of the MESC Community

It is with the greatest sense of satisfaction and pride that I write this final newsletter article for 2018.

It has been a year full of growth and development for the college, as we have come to gain further recognition for both the quality and uniqueness of educational provision across the Frankston and Mornington Peninsula community.

This was well demonstrated last week at our Whole School Assembly and Annual Awards event where almost one hundred and fifty of our outstanding young people were presented with awards in the categories of Academic Excellence, Personal Learning Excellence and Personal Learning Growth. The award categories reflect our approach to all we do here at MESC, as well as being the basis for our motto

Educated for Excellence

 Prepared for Life’

That’s because we are committed to the belief that whilst academic excellence is absolutely important and we successfully support every student to achieve their best, the general capabilities [critical and creative thinking, personal and social learning and ethical and intercultural understanding] are the things that will determine success in life after school. Whilst many schools acknowledge the importance of the capabilities, at MESC we devote time and focus to develop these abilities in our young people and award them when excellence is achieved in these areas.

Those presented last week were all recipients of at least three awards. Students who have received one or two awards have been presented with their certificates this week at our final sub school assemblies.

I would like to take this opportunity to publically acknowledge our team of high quality teachers and general staff, who work together to create a safe and supportive learning environment for our students. They tell us often that this is a great place to come to school and that compared to their friends who go to school elsewhere, the teachers here ‘go the extra mile’.

Our focus for 2019 is on the continued development of Student Voice. This refers to the extent to which we involve our students in decisions made at the college. This can include everything from building more seating in the grounds, to the opportunities we provide for them to engage with the curriculum. In order to support this important work, we have created four new leadership positions for 2019 in the area of Communications. Two Year 12 Leaders will work with the Middle Years Program (7-9) and two will work with the Senior Pathways Program (10-12) to share information, gain feedback and ideas and further involve students in their MESC experience. A further focus will be on Learner Agency and the building of the capacity of our students to self-monitor and drive their learning.

Thank you most sincerely to parents for your engagement with the college, whether that is through attending events, supporting your children in participating in the many extra-curricular opportunities available, or simply staying in touch via Compass.

I wish you a safe and very happy holiday season and look forward to your continued support in 2019.

Best Wishes,

Angela Pollard
