R.E News

Catholic Mission

Catholic Mission delegate visits O’Connor

Catholic Mission is bringing a delegate from Ghana, Felix Frederick Amenga-Etego, to the Diocese later this month to raise awareness about this year’s World Mission Month appeal. He will visit O’Connor on Friday 20th September and speak with our Year 7 students about his work and the work of the church in Ghana more generally, which is the focus of this year’s World Mission Month. There’s also lots of information about the Extraordinary Missionary Month and World Mission Month on the website for your information: https://wmm2019.cm.org.au/. O’Connor will be celebrating Mission Week next term. 

Year 12 Graduation Mass

The Year 12 Graduation Mass is on Wednesday 25th September at 7.00pm in the Chapel.

This is the first of three special events where we farewell our Year 12 students. Year 12 students and their extended families attend the Mass, which is followed by a supper in the Library. Each family is asked to bring a plate to contribute to the supper - these can be dropped off to the Library just before the beginning of Mass. This is also a time for the students to show appreciation of their parents. Many thanks to the students on the planning committee and especially Meg Lye who has quietly worked behind the scenes helping me with preparation. We ask you to arrive by 6.45pm.

Youth Mass 

Our next Youth Mass is in the Cathedral at 5.30pm on Sunday 22nd September. Please come along and support this.

Caritas Global Justice Workshop

On the 27th and 28th of August, Eliza Clark (LYM) with Kate Frazier (CSO), were fortunate to represent the Armidale Diocese at the Caritas Global Justice workshop. An initiative targeted at youth from various dioceses from around Australia. The workshop promoted youth empowerment through the sharing of knowledge to create understanding. The opportunity to spend two days with like minded young individuals and the Caritas Australia team synthesized a passion for equality and the importance of subsidiarity. Most importantly while being at Caritas Australia they heard and shared stories - the most human of experience as the more we know as a community the greater capacity for empathy. Walking away from the two days Eliza realised she had gained a connection not only to the organisation and the beneficiaries of Caritas' programs but with the other attendees as well.

John Pridmore’s visit 

John Pridmore, a Catholic Evangelist, author and ex-Gangster will visit O’Connor on Wednesday 16th October. He spoke at WYD in Sydney. John will speak to students in Years 11, 8 & 9. 

John experienced an extraordinary transformation and gives a powerful testimony of the Saving grace of Jesus Christ. The title of one of his books gives an indication of this story- “Gangland to Promised Land”. He spends some of his time traveling the world, sharing his testimony and running parish missions.

The following links provide you with more information on John.




Let us Pray

Denise Fittler