Mrs Harvey's 


Assistant Principal


Don’t forget to come and show Mrs Harvey when you have read for 25 nights to get yourself up on our reading wall of fame and get a sticker! When you have read for 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 and 300 nights you will get a photo taken with our giant balloons. 

So far this term we have had 96 possible nights for reading. If you have read 80 nights by week 9 of Term 2 we will have a celebration!!!! Make sure you keep reading over the holidays if you need to catch up!!!

Remember for those of you who read and record 200 nights of reading this year you will receive a Somerville PS Golden Ticket. This ticket will give you access to a special ‘pizza party’ lunch in term 4. So don’t forget to keep up that reading and annoy your parents and carers so they sign your books to say you have read! We have a reading hall of fame in the foyer. How far can you climb on our wall?

To get to 200 you have to read for 50 nights each term. This includes any reading you do or being read to by your parents or you can even read to your teddies – JUST READ! It all counts so start recording your nights so you can come to our party.


It is wonderful to see the terrific work going on around the school.



How wonderful to have Felicity’s mum come along to school with her ambulance to show our Foundation to Grade 2 classes. They loved learning all about what an ambulance officer does and seeing the ambulance. Thanks so much to Felicity’s mum Amelia for using her day off to come to our school.


It is so great that students in 1E can keep in contact with Harper who is travelling around Australia until Term 4. Every few weeks they touch base with Harper who explains where they are in Australia and what they have been doing. The students in 1E ask her questions and love hearing about her adventures, learning about Australia themselves along the way. This is the absolute wonderful side of technology!!!



How wonderful to see our senior students creating a chant in Performing Arts with Mrs Emery about being an upstander. What a wonderful message they have created and the kids love it! We are going to say the chant every assembly. Take a video of your kids at home saying the chant and we can put it on Facebook to promote it!!!

Fill the bucket

Fill, fill the bucket

Be an upstander,

Not a bystander 

Don’t be a dipper,

Be a goal kicker,

At SPS we’re K  I  N  D – KIND!!!!




Congratulations to our super awesome Somerville Star Recipients this week. Well done for working hard and demonstrating our school values at all times!


During Bully No Way Week we discussed the importance of being an UPSTANDER not a bystander at SPS. We created this award to acknowledge students who are speaking up in actions or words to stick up for what is right to make our school grounds and our world a better place for everyone. Congratulations to Balin and Logan from 3B for being wonderful upstanders in our school and being the first recipients in the school! Don’t forget if you hear of anyone who has beenan upstander to come and tell me or tell your class teacher. 



How wonderful to see our basketball club up and running and see the skill level of the players developing every time I go and watch. It was extra exciting to watch on Saturday as our two Under 10 teams won their semi-finals in time on!!! They will both be playing in the Grand Final this Saturday. An amazing effort when most of them have just started their basketball journeys. Good luck for Saturday and play hard!!


It was great to have Senior Constable James from Somerville Police come along to school today to shoot some hoops with the kids at lunchtime. This is part of a new program called Proactive Policing from Somerville Police and will be a great relationship for our school community going forward!


What a wonderful effort the school community goes to on Crazy Hair Day – everyone looked AWESOME!!!!! One of our SRC members, Lexie in grade 2, has been growing her hair with the intention of raising money for sick kids and donating her luscious locks. She has been wanting to do this for over 12 months and it's now long enough to make a wig for someone in need, organised through Sustainable Salons. Lexie will have her hair cut at Easter and will donate ALL money raised to the Good Friday Appeal to help the sick kids. Our SRC thought it would be awesome to do a fundraiser for the Good Friday Appeal to support Lexie. Here are some of our crazy hair photos. Thank you for supporting this wonderful cause and for supporting Lexie!!!