
30th May - Intermediate Badminton

30th May - 3rd June - Acacia and Banksia Mobile Dentist

31st May - Intermediate Winter Sports

1st June - Banksia Year 7 Band Cconcert - Banksia Theatre 6:30-7:30pm

2nd June - Acacia Year 7 Band Conert - Acacia Gym 6:30-7:30pm

2nd June - 10th June - Senior School Exams

6th June - Interschool Sports All Levels - Girls AFL & Boys Netball

6th - 10th June - Junior School Exams

13th June - Queen's Birthday Public Holiday

14th June - Pupil Free - Report Writing Day

15th June - Semester 2 classes begin

15th June - Year 7 Winter Sports

20th June - Acacia & Banksia RED Assembly

20th June - SMR Cross Country

21st June - School Council Meeting

23rd June - Senior Sport

24th June - Week 18 Progress Reports Live

24th June - Semester 1 Reports Live

24th June - Term 2 ELC Reports Live

24th June - Last day Term 2


11th July – Pupil Free – Curriculum Day


12th July – 1st Day Term 3


13th July - Acacia Year 10 Immunisations

19th July - Yr 10’s & VCAL Try a Trade Expo

19th July - Banksia Senior School information night

21st July - Acacia Senior School information night

25th – 29th July - Acacia year 9 City Experience

25th – 29th July - Banksia year 10 Work Experience

26th July - School Council meeting

27th July - Intermediate Spring sport

27th July - Banksia year 10 Immunisations

28th July - Intermediate Futsal

1st – 5th August - Acacia year 9 into 10 Transition week

1st – 5th August - Acacia year 10 Work Experience

8th August - Year 8 Spring sport

16th August - School Council meeting

19th August - Banksia Athletics

24th August - Year 7 Basketball and Girls Futsal

25th August - Year 7 Table Tennis and Boys Futsal

2nd September - Year 12 Formal

5th September - Banksia RED Assembly

7th September - GAT Exam

12th September - District Athletics

12th September - Acacia RED Assembly

16th September - End of Term 3